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Think About It, Seriusly, Do It.

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im not in MC and i dont hate them :o

congratulations, you win the "im not in mc out of the 1000 that are" award, please go to ile three and pick a free poster as a price...


but seriusly, thats mostly how it is these days. most people are either in MC or dont like MC.

I don't hate MC :)

well you are in MC / were in MC. please stop derailing the topic futher.

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Don't really see how this is a solid topic since 95% is just salt

thats why im trying to get it back on its feet  ; )

congratulations, you win the "im not in mc out of the 1000 that are" award, please go to ile three and pick a free poster as a price...


but seriusly, thats mostly how it is these days. most people are either in MC or dont like MC.


more like


cuz you have no balls

wow, thomas plz



Harrasment - Thomas - 1 year - [sPBojo]

wow, thomas plz



Harrasment - Thomas - 1 year - [sPBojo]

nooooooo I just got off a 4 day

nooooooo I just got off a 4 day

oh shit, what did you do? : O



and yeah, on topic, we want more! : P

Well when you run towards ten people shooting each other you enter at your own risk. Give the medics god mode since they already act like they have it

Well when you run towards ten people shooting each other you enter at your own risk. Give the medics god mode since they already act like they have it


Im happy for moob, and MC is far from the worst gang in shenanigans.  I remember when I first joined as a civ and getting robbed by everyone but MC.  Well... almost a MC guy was going to rob me as I was speaking to moob in his TS about joining lol.  

Im happy for moob, and MC is far from the worst gang in shenanigans.  I remember when I first joined as a civ and getting robbed by everyone but MC.  Well... almost a MC guy was going to rob me as I was speaking to moob in his TS about joining lol.  

they made a policy about not robbing the new guy after they got so much shit it was unreal.

No fun in robbing someone who can't defend themselves...thats why nobody robs me

i find your grenade skills... different. i would never rob you simply because im afraid of getting GRANATA'd!


Secondly, Moob's Promotion.

Corporal_Moob recently recieved the rank of Trial Sergeant. the reason for that was simply because hes outstanding work for the APD. the civ side of things are obviusly a different side of the story, and that does not impact what happens to him on cop. he did not become Trial.SGT because most of the other higher ups are apart of MC, he became a Trial.SGT because a vote was made, and on that vote, NO, and i repeat NO MC members gave their vote. so as said, Moob might have done some bad things, but who hasnt done bad things. noone's perfect. and he actually deserved the promotion, hes dedication is outstanding and i fully understand the promotion and i respect it, and i would suggest you others also respect it or bring the hate / salt to your grave.


LMAO no idea who told you this lie.. all MC in senior staff voted, which is most of em

LMAO no idea who told you this lie.. all MC in senior staff voted, which is most of em


As you're well aware the vote was around 7 yes and 2 no. This included almost all of the Senior APD, a few of which are close with the gang MC. Not counting the voters with ties to MC would have yielded the same results as counting them. After all Moob's current position within the APD is a trail. If he makes it through trail he becomes a fully fledged member of the Senior APD. If he doesn't make it through trail he will return to the rank of Corporal.

No need to start issues bud. If you don't like us that's fine.

its already started...you...him...kavala...2 rooks...one winner

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