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Reason why i stepped down from Chief of Police

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I've been debating with myself for days with myself and some trusted people of mine about my position within the Altis Police Department (APD) on Olympus, reasons to stay and leave. This post is late, indeed, but I was unsure if I want to write it or not; as you're reading this you can assume which option I went for.


Firstly, I'm going to thank the following people for making my time on the APD amazing:

  • Travis - For being there when i needed help.
  • Zues - For training me up in the APD 
  • Ace - For giving me the chance of Chief

As I've progressed through ranks within the APD I've made many friends and improved my role play due to many tricky scenarios that I have been put under. My patience has been tested a lot with some cops that have been messing around at important times or have been general chaos to Teamspeak - but aside of that, my experience within the APD was amazing, so far.


As I've progressed onto Senior APD I noticed the flaws - I tried to fill them, at times successfully. One of the most known and remembered ones is some officers not excelling at Role Play as I wanted them to therefore with the help of McDili I've set up Role Play sessions, which in my point of view have helped the community to engage better role play overall as their skills learned on the APD have carried over to their civilian life (Still gutted nearly no deputy showed up!)


After being Chief I've decided that the whole tilde is ruining some aspect of the game, which is Role Play - I've never introduced a rule against it but a suggestion to improve your chances of being promoted. I personally would promote someone who manages to role play their way into a 2 million bounty more then an officer which bluntly tildes someone, it soon became successful as people started thinking tildeing is bad. Gives you a bad name, even though you're doing nothing wrong, just like an unwritten rule.


Wanting to focus more on the APD, which I loved I've decided to step down from my Administrator position, with two reasons:

 1) I wanted to focus more on improving the APD, doing tickets & handling people loosing apples they bought just stood in the way. I wanted to play with my force, to see who is doing well and may one day be my future Sergeant.

 2) As well as wanting to focus on the APD I've forgotten how it is to be a civilian, which I think is important when adjusting the APD so the balance is there, stepping down from admin gave me the time to be a civilian and seeing it from their perspective.


But everything comes to an end eventually, after having a few issues at the back end of the stage where only a few lurk I've decided to step down from the spot of Chief of Police (At this moment, I'd like to congratulate Ace - welcome back to the CoP spot!) due to multiple reasons. I just did not see the point of me staying as the Chief, if in the end I was only the face of the APD (I felt like i was just a proxy and Ace and Hades where the ones who made the decision).


Hopefully the APD will go the right way and there will be no problems between Civ v Cop's anymore (Doubt it, but lets hope!)


Best of wishes,


  • Like 5

Ares, its been a amazing ride for you, your progress and dedication will never be forgotten. you sir are amazing. best of luck! : ) and will we see you around or are you taking your leave?... : (

You where a great leader Ares, and an awesome CoP and you will be missed badly :(


I was glad to see Ace back as CoP at the same time as i was sad to see you step down.. But i have my hopes to see you back with an APD rank, cause APD is not the same without you :(


the non tilde rule was a great feature, wich i use with pride, it makes for good RP and there will allways be a CIV's who gets mad when they get caught cause they don't think shooting someone in front of an APD officer is a good enough reason to get tazed and restrained, or them yelling hands up or die by (gang name) or sending personal text from stating the same is a good enough reason for APD officers to detain them... 


But like i said, APD is not the same without you and i hope to see you back with an APD rank brother :)


And one more thing, Thanks for all the fun moments sir :D WE salute you <3

My time in the apd was a fun one and always looked up to you ares from the day you did my interview to the days i stalked you around kavala :D you gave me the chance to prove myself as a Sargent when no other person would and i thank you for it... in my opinion one of the best chiefs the apd have had for many reasons . you gave alot of people the chance to become higher ranks, always seen in apd channel and also helping on cop when it was needed, and not taking sides because you where mc #MCPD and for the funniest times i have seen on Olympus it was a shame you stepped down but i wish you all the best 

When you guys are done with him can I get a bj too lmao. But seriously thanks for the rp lesson now you can give civs rp lessons and it will be a utopia




I've been debating with myself for days with myself and some trusted people of mine about my position within the Altis Police Department (APD) on Olympus, reasons to stay and leave. This post is late, indeed, but I was unsure if I want to write it or not; as you're reading this you can assume which option I went for.


Firstly, I'm going to thank the following people for making my time on the APD amazing:

  • Travis - For being there when i needed help.
  • Zues - For training me up in the APD 
  • Ace - For giving me the chance of Chief

As I've progressed through ranks within the APD I've made many friends and improved my role play due to many tricky scenarios that I have been put under. My patience has been tested a lot with some cops that have been messing around at important times or have been general chaos to Teamspeak - but aside of that, my experience within the APD was amazing, so far.


As I've progressed onto Senior APD I noticed the flaws - I tried to fill them, at times successfully. One of the most known and remembered ones is some officers not excelling at Role Play as I wanted them to therefore with the help of McDili I've set up Role Play sessions, which in my point of view have helped the community to engage better role play overall as their skills learned on the APD have carried over to their civilian life (Still gutted nearly no deputy showed up!)


After being Chief I've decided that the whole tilde is ruining some aspect of the game, which is Role Play - I've never introduced a rule against it but a suggestion to improve your chances of being promoted. I personally would promote someone who manages to role play their way into a 2 million bounty more then an officer which bluntly tildes someone, it soon became successful as people started thinking tildeing is bad. Gives you a bad name, even though you're doing nothing wrong, just like an unwritten rule.


Wanting to focus more on the APD, which I loved I've decided to step down from my Administrator position, with two reasons:

 1) I wanted to focus more on improving the APD, doing tickets & handling people loosing apples they bought just stood in the way. I wanted to play with my force, to see who is doing well and may one day be my future Sergeant.

 2) As well as wanting to focus on the APD I've forgotten how it is to be a civilian, which I think is important when adjusting the APD so the balance is there, stepping down from admin gave me the time to be a civilian and seeing it from their perspective.


But everything comes to an end eventually, after having a few issues at the back end of the stage where only a few lurk I've decided to step down from the spot of Chief of Police (At this moment, I'd like to congratulate Ace - welcome back to the CoP spot!) due to multiple reasons. I just did not see the point of me staying as the Chief, if in the end I was only the face of the APD (I felt like i was just a proxy and Ace and Hades where the ones who made the decision).


Hopefully the APD will go the right way and there will be no problems between Civ v Cop's anymore (Doubt it, but lets hope!)


Best of wishes,




My hopes are that Ares comes back to the APD :) Like i said in prev comment, APD is not the same without Ares... And FYI Dilli, Ace have been rekt several times in game as APD so ;) 

thank you bojo you have proved my point. have a nice day.

No problem, happy to help. Have a nice day you as well.

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