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Clutch Medics!!!

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Just wanted to say thanks to the clutches medic in the WORLD, Sir Issac, For balling out yesterday. It was some of the best RP and clutch revives i've ever been apart of! RIP and OS thanks you for your services and hopes every medics turns out to be like you... Also my boy Fat Clamenza came in clutch the other day so it seems like R&R is becoming amazingly good at RP and clutch revives nothing but mad respect boys and girls keep it up!

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Thank you for this Honeybooboo, and everyone for the kind words  :D


I try my hardest for everyone!  The kind words are so appreciated guys and that's why I am so dedicated to R&R it's for you all to have someone who will exhaust every option until you are back on your feet, I'll keep at it best I can <3  


Gotta love those moments when the medic superpowers kick in from out of nowhere when there is <10 minutes left in the server

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