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Hi, it's about time I'd do this after almost a year since joining olympus!


- My name is fastik? Who would've knew that.

- I live Canada, Newfoundland. Omg he's a newfie!

- I've been playing arma since November 2014 I have 1000 hours in arma since then, the majority of those in olympus. ( No one ever sees me though. )

- I'm 17 years old, 18 in october. Omg he's a Squeaker guys!! Jkjk

- Love pizza! Who doesn't let's be honest.


Well I finally did this thing would it really be counted as an introduction now or just a hello? Who knows. Canada eh


Edited by Fastik
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almost a year after almost a year lol its been 8 months. But if you got confused it's supposed to mean since I joined olympus.

8 months is 66% of a year.


If you get a 66% on a test, do you almost get a 100%?

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8 months is 66% of a year.


If you get a 66% on a test, do you almost get a 100%?

yes because if we're rounding to the nearest 100th anything above 50 would go to 100 and anything below would go to 0.

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