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texts to the apd

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ok so on cop lately i have noticed when we die or this that the other happens all we get is moronic stupid retarded texts when we are killed ok. you kill us we die good for you. theres no need to keep sending us messages trying to bait or piss us off. i for one want to try and enjoy cop but i swear me and many other officers are irritated by it. it kills the over all enjoyment. nothing to do with being salty. i just find it pathetic and petty people have to constantly resort to this. i want to enjoy arma but ive never felt like just saying you know what "fuck it" and the people doing it to tell them to "fuck off" im going to be blunt and direct with this im the bigger person but what do you gain by killing peoples enjoyment or just causing stress by spamming us with bs messages? ok you win celebrate with your people in teamspeak stop trolling us with it. im not generalising anyone when i say this because it happens from countless members on the server. i dont mind dying but the spam of texts wears thin when its not relevant in any way shape or form. altis life at least i thought as cop was supposed to be fun but of late all this is taking the fun out of it so is there anything that can be done maybe a rule regarding texts sent to us that does not involve just trolling or trying to provoke people. i know we are supposed to be professional but when we get bombarded im usually tolerant and patient but times or things like that sure do try or test my patience at the end of the day i am a human not a robot the same with the rest of the apd ....

Edited by dannyfrog87
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thats not even the issue kanger being engaged its just the spamming of stupid crap to the whole force to do with being killed. i dont mean texting officers separately. if i fight cops on civ and i kill them i dont even bother to text them or the whole force its damn stupid. i mean ok i got shot by you great for you and what do i need to know for that you someone wrecked me. i mean id understand if i was oblivious to the point of not knowing i just died. people could do the thing of celebrate in ts or be happy not being a moron texting the whole of the apd or texting the cop in general is how i see it. it just seems the fun lately literally is being sucked out of the game in certain roles or situations ....

If its getting to a point where they are borderline harassing the APD then get some proof and def put in a ticket. As I've always said there is a line between having fun and going to far. Myself I always looked at this sort of thing as trolling or harassment if it got to a degree. If its a constant issue then have the proof and let the staff look it over.

On a side note, Emergency text messages are suppose to be used for emergency reasons not to have a convo or to just troll the APD.

If its getting to a point where they are borderline harassing the APD then get some proof and def put in a ticket. As I've always said there is a line between having fun and going to far. Myself I always looked at this sort of thing as trolling or harassment if it got to a degree. If its a constant issue then have the proof and let the staff look it over.

On a side note, Emergency text messages are suppose to be used for emergency reasons not to have a convo or to just troll the APD.

thanks hades i dont record my pc isnt powerful enough unfortunately which would be the only proof i assume? but many of the apd can attest to it happening. eventually at some point i will be able to record. yep and it usually goes to far and the end result was we got off cop one i was tired other apd members was sick of it. well people for the most part use it just to troll rather than actual police business. example one of our officers did record i think the whole incident or stupid messages coming through

or just piss the civs off too if they text you saying who to die by and say its a gang tag go ahead and tilda them and just restrain them all or tell them apd hands up i only go to that option if I've died more than a couple times.

I beg you Danny, capital letters. This is a pain to read...

But I agree with you, APD gets texts every 5 seconds on a full server and only 1 out of the 50 of those are useful.

I have also seen a lot of people using the emergency text to troll and get a rise out of the new APD officers. If I'm on and I see this happening I will be recording. I agree, childish immature people take the fun out of Altis Life.

Edited by Tman15tmb
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I beg you Danny, capital letters. This is a pain to read...

But I agree with you, APD gets texts every 5 seconds on a full server and only 1 out of the 50 of those are useful.

And spelling, punctuation, and grammar...

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Ok il be sure to remember that for future reference. I was tired when i posted this also people can understand it even if its not full of punctuation or correct grammar. and i cant edit it now for some reason. Yep it becomes monotonous the messages we get.

I have also seen a lot of people using the emergency text to troll and get a rise out of the new APD officers. If I'm on and I see this happening I will be recording. I agree, childish immature people take the fun out of Altis Life.

Sounds good to me frankly i am sick of it sure kills all the enjoyment when on as cop. 

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