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Is MC suppose to only be on server 2

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Hey so kinda new to the server but have seen multiple posts mentioning that MC are suppose to be in server 2 one post even mentioning hades telling them to go back to server 2. Is this a rule? If so how did it come about and why do they still come to server 1 just curious guys.

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Welcome to Olympus. And no, they just choose to play on that server.  What you read regarding Hades was just a suggestion given to the gang.  The much larger gangs usually play on server 2. 

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MC is known to always control server 2. It is considered the "home" server where all properties purchased.

But like Tai said, we're on both servers making peoples life hell

Edited by Konkz
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So much negative rep just for asking a question...

This might just be the issue with this community now. Rather than welcome and educate a new member, they down thumb and belittle him... Bravo MC. Top Notch. Best Gang...

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This might just be the issue with this community now. Rather than welcome and educate a new member, they down thumb and belittle him... Bravo MC. Top Notch. Best Gang...

We welcome everyone and try to ask any and all questions they might have... with that said I am not with MC.  I am sure not all MC members are like that.  I have met a couple of likable fellows. 

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MC is known to always control server 2. It is considered the "home" server where all properties purchased.

But like Tai said, we're on both servers making peoples life hell


We are everywhere and we rob, rape, and pillage wherever we may roam. 

I don't see one reply were anyone is actually insulting him or belittling him for posting the question, But hey who knows I could be wrong.

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We didn't explicitly call this guy out, people. We disliked his post be cause his implications were clear. He's tired of us allegedly breaking a rule (hopping between servers one and two) to rob, rape, and pillage. If memory serves, we've robbed, raped, and pillaged this particular person many times. We disliked the post because, even though he didn't say it, we were being accused of breaking a rule which isn't the case. 

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We didn't explicitly call this guy out, people. We disliked his post be cause his implications were clear. He's tired of us allegedly breaking a rule (hopping between servers one and two) to rob, rape, and pillage. If memory serves, we've robbed, raped, and pillaged this particular person many times. We disliked the post because, even though he didn't say it, we were being accused of breaking a rule which isn't the case. 

Tai, he came to ask a question not once did he mention server phasing to gain profit or anything he asked a question about a rule, not blaming you guys for breaking server rules. Chill out.

Edited by Fastik
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Like I said before he came to ask a question! Why the "FUCK" would you guys get sooooooooooo pissed off about him asking the question and give it -15 likes. come the fuck on guys


And at that it was a good question to ask. He did say he was new to the server

Someone here needs to learn how getting "sooooooooo pissed off" looks like. Let me tell ya, a dislike ain't me being pissed off.

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This post either needs to be deleted or locked, can't deal with the tards of mc who can't understand the difference between a question and yelling that someones breaking rules, see y'all spouting rules all the time thought mc of best would understand the difference but guess not. Sorry to the sensible none rule spouters in mc.

Edited by Fastik
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Anyway Trollstomper.  If you need help please hit us up.  There are many of us who are more than willing to give you a hand.  

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Anyway Trollstomper.  If you need help please hit us up.  There are many of us who are more than willing to give you a hand.  

Like he said there's a lot of kind and caring people around, I hope you have a good time here on olympus, and hopefully the horrendous -Rep mc gave you goes back down eventually. Enjoy your stay :)

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