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Olympus Family, I need your help!

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Dear Olympus Family,

As many of you know already, my momma passed away last Wednesday. She had stage 4 lung cancer that had spread to most of her body. We knew she was terminal it just all happened so suddenly. She got diagnosed and passed all within 3 months. I am in need of your help. Not only do I have to handle my only parent dying, which is still unreal, but I am also left with all of her medical expenses, funeral costs, headstone costs, and all of the plane tickets I have purchased to get myself to her so that I could be there to hold her hand when she passed. I will be doing a benefit stream starting tonight around 6 pm est and going until I cant anymore. I hate asking for financial help but I am literally drowning. I understand if you cant donate anything, I really do, just coming and sitting in chat with me will totally be enough. A link to my stream is in my signature. I hope to see ya'll there and I want to thank all of you for your thoughts and prayers over these last few months. Have a great day Olympus and I am so happy to be back! 

<3 Pinkie~

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I am so sorry to hear about this Pinkie. Although tough to admit but I am sure your mother is feeling free now for the longest time.   This is going to be a tough one but you seem like a strong willed person and I have faith you will pull through.  We are all here for you.  I am sure going to join your stream tonight and help you out whichever way I can.   Virtual hugs Pinkie :) 

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Sorry to hear that pinkstreak I'll throw in a little bit.

Keep your head held high and remember your old memories. 

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What are you gonna be streaming and for how long would you estimate the stream going on for?

I'll be there when I can. And If you need someone to play with/ talk to I'm here. I will probably be there for your whole stream. Lol. Best of luck!

I will probably be streaming Arma for the most of it since I have missed yall so much and maybe a little of csgo. I dont know. We shall see. I appreciate all of you though! <3 you guys!

Do you accept EBT?Ill help any way i can, thoughts and prayers are with you :)

Edited by Dustin87

That's pretty crazy how they can just throw all of the expenses on you. I get that they can't just forget about the money, but still, you'd think you'd be able to get some aid. Either way, I'm sorry for your loss and I'll try to tune it!

If I wasn't a nerd, and had a job. I would spend quite a big penny. But sadly I don't, and my pockets are empty. I'm extremely sorry for the lose of your Mother, the fact that she was your last parent makes it that much more harder to handle. All of the water in my body would be gone due to all the crying if my Mom and Dad passed. It scares me just to think about the image. I'm really sorry that you have to go through this. I wish I had phatty stack of money to give. But besides all of the negative thoughts and troubles. Just know that your Mother is in a better place, watching over you to keep you safe. Your a good person pink, and a good friend. But don't worry, Olympus won't let you drowned in piles of bills and checks. Life sucks sometimes, but we just got to keep walking. We'll all be beside you Pink :) #OlympusFamily

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I lost my mom when I was in High School.  The loss is hard, but the pain does subside over time.  Be strong Pink.

Unfortunately I don't have my card yet, so I can't donate, but I will be there. Sorry to hear about what happened. Keep your head high.

Pinkstreak sorry for your loss. Prayers for you and your family during this difficult time. My Mom passed away from cancer 3 years ago. It sucks! Cancer sucks! Watching your Mom slowly die sucks. I know. I was at peace knowing she was no longer in pain. It also helped we know God would have a place for her in heaven, 

I was in the same predicament you are. That being said you are not responsible for her medical bills, Credit card bills, house payment. Basically anything under her name unless you signed something saying you are liable. All that stuff gets written off. That's why companies have insurance for this vary reason. You and your family are liable for the funeral costs. Shop around for headstones. Don't just buy one from the funeral people. We bought a headstone off a place that makes them off the internet. http://granitestategravemarkers.com/  They even shipped it to the cemetery. Also don't fall for those caskets with special seals. Not saying go cheap. It cost us close to $12000 for a funeral with casket and burial. Most of these places have payment plans. Try to do a benefit with friends and family locally too. People made or donated stuff and bid on them. Just rambling now, but trying to help. 



Sorry for your loss pinkstreak, i also know how it is to loose someone really close to you due to cancer, i lost my granfather a few years back and he was one my rocks here in life, he was everything to me and he passed away.. My thoughts and prayers goes to you and your family in theese hard times <3 Stay strong my friend, as i will stand strong with you 

OMG some people are just ******. I fell asleep and when I came back it was over, I guess this is why.

Yep... Was planning on coming back myself but around 4am i realized she still never got access so i just went to bed myself lol..

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