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Locked Olympus Is bae!

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So i join the ts with the people that got me onto olympus in the first place. There were a few well known names that use to put everything they had into the server. So i started drinking and we had a nice conversation about how Olympus or as they call it 'MC Entertainment' is going to the shitter if it is not already in the shitter. Well lets see here, lets just let cops abuse the tilde key in a so called RP server well its not. This is a place where u can cheat as much as you want and get away with it by paying $250 dollars. This is a place where the cop ranks are based around the senior APD's favorite people/if you're in MC. Love you all, k bye.

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This is not how things are run here. Olympus is not in any way dying. Nor it is anything like what you mentioned. Every server out there has a gang that dominates. Not the server in particular but are the most feared and known gang. This will happen everywhere. 

Think before you speak. There is a a reason things are done the way the are. The decisions made regarding our RP were brought up for discussion for a long time and the community gave their input. Keep in mind this is not a hardcore RP server. We try our best to provide quality entertainment while keeping things balanced for everyone. Things have changed and for the better. A small fraction of the community disagrees with the way things are going right now. So you sir are in the minority. 

We aim to please our community but sometimes decisions have to be made for the betterment of our players and future plans. We can't make everyone happy but we strive to do so. Every single thing we do here we do from the heart.

People who get in trouble either broke the rules or failed his/her duties on one of the white listed roles. There is no preference here. The staff for one will punish everybody regardless of what gang they're in if they messed up. We DON'T care who you are. No matter how much you have donated. I'll treat you exactly the same. This is the reason we are staff. 

The APD is handled fine the way it is. Every single player is taken into consideration regarding promotions or demotions. Again, if you screw up no matter who you are you get the KICK. Things may seem biased to you but they are not. 

If you feel discouraged or feel the need to talk to anyone regarding something in particular that might have happened to you this is NOT the way you do it. With our player base growing every day we don't need people who crap all over our name. You just lost the little reputation you had in our community and if this is the attitude you have decided to stick with, please leave kindly


Good day to you. 

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18 minutes ago, dubVee said:

So i join the ts with the people that got me onto olympus in the first place. There were a few well known names that use to put everything they had into the server. So i started drinking and we had a nice conversation about how Olympus or as they call it 'MC Entertainment' is going to the shitter if it is not already in the shitter. Well lets see here, lets just let cops abuse the tilde key in a so called RP server well its not. This is a place where u can cheat as much as you want and get away with it by paying $250 dollars. This is a place where the cop ranks are based around the senior APD's favorite people/if you're in MC. Fuck all of you k bye.

Inevitably when you have the biggest gang on the said server, higher chances of seeing more members from said gang.

Also, for someone who follows the server rules as loosely as you its pretty comical bud.


Edited by Meddik
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19 minutes ago, dubVee said:

So i join the ts with the people that got me onto olympus in the first place. There were a few well known names that use to put everything they had into the server. So i started drinking and we had a nice conversation about how Olympus or as they call it 'MC Entertainment' is going to the shitter if it is not already in the shitter. Well lets see here, lets just let cops abuse the tilde key in a so called RP server well its not. This is a place where u can cheat as much as you want and get away with it by paying $250 dollars. This is a place where the cop ranks are based around the senior APD's favorite people/if you're in MC. Fuck all of you k bye.

I dont know if you played here before the wipe, there was no tilde guideline and RP was still very much alive.

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Is this the kid who was salty because he lost the corporal rank he got as a joke after playing cop for a week? LMAO just quit already no one likes your emo posts every week about the tilde shit stop being an idiot and you won't get caught

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55 minutes ago, dubVee said:

So i join the ts with the people that got me onto olympus in the first place. There were a few well known names that use to put everything they had into the server. So i started drinking and we had a nice conversation about how Olympus or as they call it 'MC Entertainment' is going to the shitter if it is not already in the shitter. Well lets see here, lets just let cops abuse the tilde key in a so called RP server well its not. This is a place where u can cheat as much as you want and get away with it by paying $250 dollars. This is a place where the cop ranks are based around the senior APD's favorite people/if you're in MC. Love you all, k bye.


44 minutes ago, Bubbaloo said:

This is not how things are run here. Olympus is not in any way dying. Nor it is anything like what you mentioned. Every server out there has a gang that dominates. Not the server in particular but are the most feared and known gang. This will happen everywhere. With our player base growing every day we don't need people who crap all over our name. 

Think before you speak. There is a a reason things are done the way the are. The decisions made regarding our RP were brought up for discussion for a long time and the community gave their input. Keep in mind this is not a hardcore RP server. We try our best to provide quality entertainment while keeping things balanced for everyone. Things have changed and for the better. A small fraction of the community disagrees with the way things are going right now. So you sir are in the minority. 

We aim to please our community but sometimes decisions have to be made for the betterment of our players and future plans. We can't make everyone happy but we strive to do so. Every single thing we do here we do from the heart.

People who get in trouble either broke the rules or failed his duties on one of the white listed roles. There is no preference here. The staff for one will punish everybody regardless of what gang they're in if they messed up. We DON'T care who you are. No matter how much you have donated. I'll treat you exactly the same. This is the reason we are staff. 

The APD is handled fine the way it is. Every single player is taken into consideration regarding promotions or demotions. Again, if you screw up no matter who you are you get the KICK. Things may seem biased to you but they are not. 

If you feel discouraged of feel the need to talk to anyone regarding something in particular that might have happened to you this is NOT the way you do it. You just lost the little reputation you had in our community and if this is the attitude you have decided to stick with, please leave kindly


Good day to you. 

Couldn't have said it any better myself. I really like how people also think that Olympus is dying even though on most nights out of the week we have 100/100 on both servers. If this is what you're going to do to get attention. Here's the door: CJmeWKK.gif

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9 minutes ago, Stix said:

well now whoever changed the title it looks like you are trying to hide something from your community and not letting someone state the opinion

That is not the case. Honestly his title was unnecessary and provided NOTHING positive for the community. He's welcome to provide his sentiments if he wishes to but the vulgar aspect of his accusations will be moderated. 

Just now, Bubbaloo said:

That is not the case. Honestly his tittle was unnecessary and provided NOTHING positive for the community. He's welcome to provide his sentiments if he wishes to but the vulgar aspect of this accusation will be moderated. 

Then i would edit it to a cleaner version of what was originally stated 

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1 minute ago, Stix said:

Then i would edit it to a cleaner version of what was originally stated 

We need positivism my man! :) 

I don't know what the original title said, but accusations about MC running the server/APD is an accusation against me in some regard. I haven't addressed it because nobody is entitled to an explanation on something that's little more than a baseless conspiracy theory. But fine, why not. I'm on my lunch break at work and I got nothing better to do. I'll humor you.


Originally the APD consisted of higher ranks from people who all played on a gang together in Asylum, + some OG olympus players. Then, SGW filled the higher ranks of APD when they were around. Now, it's a stalemate. 4 OS, 4 MC, and 1 Mayhem. 


But I'm not ignorant, people think I favor MC since I was in MC for a long time prior to being OS. Let's look at what has happened since I joined OS/Became Chief(They both happened at relatively the same time, literally 1 day apart) and the decisions I made as Dep Chief in recent times.


1 MC member became SGT. Lucki to be exact. Lucki got deputy(Back then Cadet) the same day I did in November 2014. Lucki spends nearly all his time in-game on cop. He's never been banned, his roleplay is good. Solid SGT. Is this favoritism? Laughably hard to claim it as such, while he technically was in MC he hardly played with them.

1 Mayhem member became SGT. Huskers, though I don't think he was Mayhem at the time. You can ask Moob about Huskers, he'll tell you that he will never accept Huskers in MC. He has whatever reasons, but Huskers is a great cop and solid SGT.

Bubbaloo became SGT. Tree member at the time.

Dustin became SGT. I don't remember what gang he was in, but it wasn't MC. I think it was V? Or T? Who knows, anyhow, not MC.

Rusty became corporal. He came forth and asked what he needed to do to improve. We told him, he improved. He got it, well deserved. Not MC. Yet another Mayhem member.

Dewhitelisted Ghostface. Prominent and long-time MC player, if Senior gang members mean anything to you, think of Ghostface and compare him to the Deimos/Huskers/Rusty of Mayhem. He's one of the bigger faces of MC. He fucked up, got dealt with.

Dewhitelisted Toe Knee. Another big time MC player. Fucked up, got dealt with. Still think I play favorites?

As Moderator: Banned Pete Malloy. Yet another big face of MC.

Banned MC Bow. Newer guy, but still MC.

The amount of tickets that came from MC members that I denied is well over 15 by now.


There ARE members who are biased, but as Chief I exercise neutrality and devil's advocate when people are suggested for promotions. I stop the favoritism as much as I can. There are some members who would definitely be SGT and corporal right now if I hadn't stepped in and said no or wait.


The fact of the matter is, I'm exercising my rank and status to PREVENT the favoritism. Moob, Adi, and Clemenza all work very hard in the APD. Clemenza and Adi are ticket machines. Clemenza is especially good about being assertive and decisive when it comes to his LT duties. Moob does the work TS side and while he walks that fence of the rules on civ, on APD he's never really had any issues. It would be unfair to bar them from these positions just because they share a gang name on civ. They deliver with their rank, why would I hold them back?


The only effect this has on others and their progression in the APD is how they perceive it. People make excuses for themselves by coming up with these conspiracy theories and lose their motivation to work at progressing further. This obviously makes them unappealing when we look for promotions.


Rusty and Huskers are great examples of folks who didn't let the conspiracy theories get to them and they worked at it and remained neutral. Both of them succeeded in progressing forward because they don't sit there and bitch about some sort of biased system that literally doesn't exist. Babooshka is the same situation. Even though Babooshka was BLACKLISTED we lifted simply because he's good at APD.


The problem is not with the APD, its with those who keep making excuses for their shortcomings by saying "Oh I never had a chance, I'm not MC" when in reality its that very mentality that demotivates you from trying and is the exact reason you don't get promoted. Because you stopped trying.




TL;DR: MCPD is a conspiracy theory that people use as an excuse to stop trying in the APD. Because they stop trying, they don't get promoted. Then they blame MC. When in reality, a good solid look at my actions over the past 6 months very clearly shows that MC doesn't get away with breaking the rules, and still don't. My actions speak for themselves.


EDIT: I actually find it really funny, I've probably denied like 5 RDM tickets submitted on the likes of you and GI JOE this week alone and was told I was being biased towards PRAE. Imagine my surprise.

2 hours ago, dubVee said:

So i join the ts with the people that got me onto olympus in the first place. There were a few well known names that use to put everything they had into the server. So i started drinking and we had a nice conversation about how Olympus or as they call it 'MC Entertainment' is going to the shitter if it is not already in the shitter. Well lets see here, lets just let cops abuse the tilde key in a so called RP server well its not. This is a place where u can cheat as much as you want and get away with it by paying $250 dollars. This is a place where the cop ranks are based around the senior APD's favorite people/if you're in MC. Love you all, k bye.

You are positively the most retarded person I have ever had the displeasure of meeting. You'll not be missed. 

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1 minute ago, Fat Clemenza said:

You are positively the most retarded person I have ever had the displeasure of meeting. You'll not be missed. 

Wipe the sweat off your forehead.

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Just now, dubVee said:

Wipe the sweat off your forehead.

Joke's on you, idiot. I'm not the one kicking the dead horse that is the myth of MCPD. Life is hard; It's harder if you're stupid. 

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7 minutes ago, Fat Clemenza said:

You are positively the most retarded person I have ever had the displeasure of meeting. You'll not be missed. 

Mr.High-Calibre Vocabulary, that nickname you gave yourself? Yes, it is false. "You are positively the most RETARDED person" lets focus on that. 

 Retarded is someone that is slow to develop, I have had a 4.0 all of my life, in high school that's easy just memorization. I am astonished to tell you that I even have a 4.0 in college. 

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4 minutes ago, Fat Clemenza said:

Joke's on you, idiot. I'm not the one kicking the dead horse that is the myth of MCPD. Life is hard; It's harder if you're stupid. 

Once again friend, I have a 7 digit job waiting on me straight out of college, man life is hard.

oh and you got your friends to remove my post maybe because you couldnt read it its okay not all of us can interpret english

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4.0 GPA in high school, huh? Surely you took the short bus to school. 4.0 in college? Must be your first semester. I'll stand by what I said earlier; if you actually believe that MCPD is anything more than a conspiracy theory, then you have a few screws loose. There's no doubt about that. 

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