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Idea For Cartels By Mobundo


30 members have voted

  1. 1. Should We have Cartels In Warzone Again? aka. south island

    • 3 cartels in the south island
    • 3 cartels in the south island with a war-zone outpost there as well
  2. 2. Cartels not on the south island

    • in close proximity to each-other
    • keep them far apart.

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two parts the poll, and the original issue with cartels was APD were not able to go there, meaning the police would catch smaller players since they were not able to fight in the cartels due to $$ problems in order to allow apd  or make it easier for APD i think we should create a Cartel Patrol. meaning cars with special skins can be deployed by a corporal or higher every 30 minutes to do a 1 time patrol into cartels. if a sergeant is on perhaps they can do a minimum of two more raids into the first patrol to make for sure "support" to officers engaged in cartel conflict. 

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The " Cartel Patrol " would be a nice idea if we made it a cartel island again, comeing from a APD stand of view. On the civ point of view I liked it back when there was the warzone and the warzone outpost. It was fun af, but in this there was a lack of RP and this is an RP server. 
But the poll is worded terribly for what I think your trying to ask people. 

2 hours ago, bigPat said:

The " Cartel Patrol " would be a nice idea if we made it a cartel island again, comeing from a APD stand of view. On the civ point of view I liked it back when there was the warzone and the warzone outpost. It was fun af, but in this there was a lack of RP and this is an RP server. 
But the poll is worded terribly for what I think your trying to ask people. 

Honestly, I like cartel fights because you dont have to worry cops coming. I think we need at least ONE place cops can't just come in.

1 hour ago, Linka said:

Honestly, I like cartel fights because you dont have to worry cops coming. I think we need at least ONE place cops can't just come in.

But that isnt quite fair to the cops. I think that is completely fair if there was a cartel patroll every 30minutes that could only be done by corps and higher as Mobundo said. If the cartel island were ever to be re implemented then I doubt they would take the cops ability away to go and rebel raid like they can now. 

2 hours ago, bigPat said:

But that isnt quite fair to the cops. I think that is completely fair if there was a cartel patroll every 30minutes that could only be done by corps and higher as Mobundo said. If the cartel island were ever to be re implemented then I doubt they would take the cops ability away to go and rebel raid like they can now. 

they should at least be sAPD. It will suck if It's down to just you, 1v4, and you get tazed by the cops. If I was in a city, yeah that would make sense. But no at cartels. I like how the cartels work right now, and I don't see why we should change them.

1 hour ago, Linka said:

they should at least be sAPD. It will suck if It's down to just you, 1v4, and you get tazed by the cops. If I was in a city, yeah that would make sense. But no at cartels. I like how the cartels work right now, and I don't see why we should change them.

well this post was a poll to what I understand asking people if they want the warzone and warzone outpost back so thats where this is coming from. 

I agree with Goat, there should be no reason to patrol a Cartel, as a Cartel in essence is a place that maintains drug prices to the Gang controller. Empty field, what is there to patrol? There is no drugs being processed or gathered there. The only reason would be to chase a suspect retreating to Cartel.  

  • Like 1
44 minutes ago, Grandma Gary said:

That poll is fucked up.  You're basically telling people to vote to put the cartels back in the island.

You also cant vote on one poll without voting on the other.

What exactly is the issue?

no one poll says to keep them far apart, and the other says do you want them back on the old island, idk about what is wrong with it dude fucking garbage polling system 

34 minutes ago, bigPat said:

The " Cartel Patrol " would be a nice idea if we made it a cartel island again, comeing from a APD stand of view. On the civ point of view I liked it back when there was the warzone and the warzone outpost. It was fun af, but in this there was a lack of RP and this is an RP server. 
But the poll is worded terribly for what I think your trying to ask people. 

First of i have been saying that for a long ass time. And if there was  a cartel patrol it would have to be somthing like corp and higher and only one wave. 

  • Like 1
6 minutes ago, Talindor said:

I agree with Goat, there should be no reason to patrol a Cartel, as a Cartel in essence is a place that maintains drug prices to the Gang controller. Empty field, what is there to patrol? There is no drugs being processed or gathered there. The only reason would be to chase a suspect retreating to Cartel.  


21 minutes ago, G.O.A.T. said:

I've always had the stance that the APD has no business going into cartels unless they have probable cause.


Still believe that.

 i am only doing that idea to please those who have taken it from us. Not naming names but the reason it was pushed to be removed is because APD were unable to catch large gangs and had to resort to jails feds, or catching small gangs at-least what i was told i know thats not the full truth but that is the reason they removed it in the first place 

3 minutes ago, Mobundo African Warlord said:


 i am only doing that idea to please those who have taken it from us. Not naming names but the reason it was pushed to be removed is because APD were unable to catch large gangs and had to resort to jails feds, or catching small gangs at-least what i was told i know thats not the full truth but that is the reason they removed it in the first place 

Could you elaborate a little more on this? On what view do you see this on? The APD side? Your first sentence threw me off a bit.

Put them back and make it that you can have Sgt + to raid a Cartel Island. Just like now lol

Cops don't belong at cartels. Don't think of it as an illegal area where people are processing drugs. It's a place for gangs to fight for control of the drug market, which cops have no impact on.

6 minutes ago, Mobundo African Warlord said:


 i am only doing that idea to please those who have taken it from us. Not naming names but the reason it was pushed to be removed is because APD were unable to catch large gangs and had to resort to jails feds, or catching small gangs at-least what i was told i know thats not the full truth but that is the reason they removed it in the first place 

APD can already go to a cartel if there is Sgt+ on.

  • Like 3

I like it how it is now, but it is hard to get revives off because medics don't feel like going that far to a cartel.

My Proposal: Keep cartels where they are now (because the spots they're in are beautiful and familiar) and introduce a revive mechanic for civ's. Will help with gang life, even though there is a lot of it already. Not to mention there is already 2 cartels that are 2.3km away from eachother, making transportation easy.

Edited by Vanilla Coke
12 minutes ago, Talindor said:

Could you elaborate a little more on this? On what view do you see this on? The APD side? Your first sentence threw me off a bit.

basically, senoir apd and admins and the devs thought APD don't get enough major gang action anymore with warzone island so they deleted it, and replaced it with these asylum style cartels. i am saying this is a idea so that perhaps they will allow, or consider putting them back in.

Read this for clarification 

so that i  make it clear since alot of people are having a hard time understanding, you vote for the old warzone, with or without a rebel/ outpost. then you can choose to have them in close proximity aka island, or have them far apart the way they are now, second a while ago if you were not here, APD was having a hard time getting large gang bound action so they took cartels out so gangs could come out of the island, YES. you are not APD has no business in cartels but they were the ones who pushed having them removed. so my point is finding a middle ground i personally miss cartels i think raids on the outpost would be fun, i have experienced them in the past and many of you who have been here along time have two. this is a poll to see what you think about cartels going back to their home or if they should stay  S P A C E D out. the patrols was a idea i heard from someone and thought would be interesting to have more mass scale fights in a place like that. where engagement isn't on a siren or text bases 

29 minutes ago, Mobundo African Warlord said:

basically, senoir apd and admins and the devs thought APD don't get enough major gang action anymore with warzone island so they deleted it, and replaced it with these asylum style cartels. i am saying this is a idea so that perhaps they will allow, or consider putting them back in.

Ahahahahaa That's funny, Not you Mobundo the comment itself, already Senior APD and Admins can enter Cartels. If "not enough major gang action" was the case, there would not be weekly/bi-weekly APD deathstacks-all-are-welcome. There are more occasions where during the week ending towards the weekends, you have back-to-back fed/jail/jail/fed/fed/jail-jail-jail-fed-rebel?-jail, on these days the engagements last anywhere from an hour to over an hour and a half non-stop. If anything, it's too much, leaving little gangs and groups that do hostage, robberies etc no chance to have fun with cops. Now I say this, because I literately play over 30 hours a week on cop. Yea it would be nice to have a sort of major gang engagement that does not always need a senior to be around so officers on a corp to PO level have the okay to engage, and a bit different from the usual jail-fed spam because it just gets tiresome alot of the officers feel the same, but Cartels is defiantly not the answer to this, if you want a major gang-cop action every one can get it on, I suggest offering an extra activity area to rebels perhaps a city like neo created where Rebels can capture it and Officers can fight them at, or something like that. Leave Cartels as is, please.

  • Admin

Also, the CQC server is coming soon. Maybe you guys can let off some steam there. I doubt the Cartels will be moved around again unless a vast majority of the community wants it. Last time @ToeKnee moved them everyone seemed happy with their locations. I figured the excitement did not last forever. 

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Cartels are fine the way they are. With the removal of big towers you will see a massive change in the way your fights will happen anyways. 

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The issue wasn't just about APD it was about R&R too. When we had one giant "Warzone" APD and R&R weren't allowed there. Most deaths happened in warzone and most criminals were in warzone. This basically left R&R with little work to do and APD to rob the little guys with no big gangs to draw their attention away.

This was great for the gangs, they had an area on the map where they could just fight and gang fights happened all the time. But it was bad for everyone else that wasn't in one of the big gangs and the server's population started really reflecting that.


So we scrapped the warzone and kept the cartels because cartels was a good idea, but an area where cops/R&R couldn't go wasn't the best.


I personally don't see an issue with the way things are now. Pretty much all of that south island is KOS anyway. The only reason you'd be down there is for cartels and cartels count as redzones. We don't put a visible redzone there because we don't want to deal with silly reports of people getting killed outside of it when they were going there to fight in the first place.


Cartels are common-sense KOS zones. The entire south island only has cartels on it so you can pretty much KOS anyone on it because nobody is going there for any other reason but cartels.


If you all wanna go slug it out on that south island then you're free to do so.

17 minutes ago, McDili said:

The issue wasn't just about APD it was about R&R too. When we had one giant "Warzone" APD and R&R weren't allowed there. Most deaths happened in warzone and most criminals were in warzone. This basically left R&R with little work to do and APD to rob the little guys with no big gangs to draw their attention away.

This was great for the gangs, they had an area on the map where they could just fight and gang fights happened all the time. But it was bad for everyone else that wasn't in one of the big gangs and the server's population started really reflecting that.


So we scrapped the warzone and kept the cartels because cartels was a good idea, but an area where cops/R&R couldn't go wasn't the best.


I personally don't see an issue with the way things are now. Pretty much all of that south island is KOS anyway. The only reason you'd be down there is for cartels and cartels count as redzones. We don't put a visible redzone there because we don't want to deal with silly reports of people getting killed outside of it when they were going there to fight in the first place.


Cartels are common-sense KOS zones. The entire south island only has cartels on it so you can pretty much KOS anyone on it because nobody is going there for any other reason but cartels.


If you all wanna go slug it out on that south island then you're free to do so.

Right but Mobundo initially had this open based on several dev-senior APD commenting that APD does not have or get enough major Gang action anymore.

34 minutes ago, Talindor said:

Right but Mobundo initially had this open based on several dev-senior APD commenting that APD does not have or get enough major Gang action anymore.

No what Mobundo is saying is that he feels warzone was taken away because APD didn't get enough action and he is suggesting that it be brought back with the APD allowed to do periodic patrols.


I'm saying that it was taken away for a much broader reason that negatively impacted APD, R&R, and civs who weren't in bigger gangs or any gangs at all. 


It takes a SGT+ to raid rebel outposts and cartels as it is right now. All the Senior APD should understand that there's no real reason to patrol them unless they have reason to believe there are criminals there based on information they gained in-game whether it be by witnessing someone heading there or a civ telling us, etc. 

I'd like to keep it that way, essentially APD shouldn't come to these areas unless the civs bring us there.

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