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Hello Community and Staff of Olympus

I just want to say that I've had a great experience on the altis life servers and had memories that will always be with me when I continue to pc game. The staff have been great and the community, has been very good as well with that always positive side chat rage :). I'm leaving for a reasons that I cannot even say because I don't know 100% why really. One is I'm spending more time on the computer then in society and another reason is my life drama is mainly coming from this game instead of problems in society. Again it's nothing against the community or anyone, its strictly me re evaluating my life and the decisions I make. Again, I thank everyone that has positive experiences with me and I hope the best for everyone and keep up the good work.


- *{MA}* Whiskey (L)

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Thanks Poro, that means a lot from you man. You always were a good cop and treated the rebel as decent people.

1 hour ago, Poro said:

See ya man always a good RP whenever I caught you.


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