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What should I do Homes?

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1 hour ago, Thomas Blinder said:

Alright, so I went to each Meth ingredient and collected in a hemmit transport, loaded 450 of each ingredient and then the server restarted IT WAS ALL FUCKING GONE.... What do i Do? Say fuck it and do it again? Or request comp?

Server crashed or routine restart?

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4 minutes ago, Thomas Blinder said:

Routine Restart @Brennan

I would say it's really your own fault for not being aware of how much time you had. You could send in a comp request, like 'ol Burrito over here said, but I doubt you would get much if anything.

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15 minutes ago, Thomas Blinder said:

Nonnononno I put it in my truck into my house then server restarted, it fucking despawned. but its good

You put your truck into your house?? I am genuinely confused. Do you mean you stored the ingredients in the house, or you stored the truck in a garage?

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56 minutes ago, Thomas Blinder said:

In fucking confusing my self, I put the ingredients that collected in my truck, then stored it in my house.

If you stored your ingredients in your house and then a routine restart deleted the y-inventory ingeredients in your house, then definitely submit a comp ticket.

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