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Court is in session!

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So today the APD has taken down what they believe to be a highly illegal insurance/stock company. The APD believes that this company run by a Mr. Goshowitz has been scamming clients of there money. It has been under investigation for a while now and was finally raided and all employees were taken down. It has been decided that Mr. Goshowitz's fate will be decided by the jury, which is the citizens of Altis. So on August 11th at 11am PST/2pm EST court will be held in The Church of Kavala (Destination may change) If you would like to be part of the jury, or even be the judge, please apply below saying that you would like to participaite and why we should choose you. I will then choose 5 lucky people to be part of the jury and one person to be the judge. All jury and judge members must be complelty unbias and only base their opinions off of what is discussed in court. Anyone else who would just like to watch is welcome, all were asking is that you come unarmed, there will be armed guards and if anyone tries anything funny they will not make it very far. Thank you, and stay tuned to this topic for any changes in the location or date.

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I would love to be apart of the jury. I have zero prior understanding of this issue (hence real jury) and I am not going to be biased.

I would love to be part of the Jury because it sounds fun and i think id be good 

I'd be a bailiff if you need one. You should have at least six jurors. Twelve would be preferable, but that might be hard to come by. Just remember that you'll need a unanimous vote for a conviction or acquittal. 

1 hour ago, CheeseGrater said:

Please tell me this isn't true... I've invested over $15,000 in him. :Kappa:

Hey Cheese, you cant be on the Jury. You're one of my witnesses ok? I need you as an eyewitness. Try to find me in game before the trial and ill get you hooked up with my lawyer.

I would like everyone to know that I am completely innocent in this, and I only want to encourage capital growth with my clients. See ya'll on Thursday!~~~ Heinz Gormittz- falsely accused

27 minutes ago, Produs said:

I could be the court reporter if one is needed. To write down everything that is said for a transcript. 


Or jury would be cool as well. 

It would be cool to have someone record the proceedings then post them on the forums after the trial.

Edited by ksgamer103
1 hour ago, ksgamer103 said:

Hey Cheese, you cant be on the Jury. You're one of my witnesses ok? I need you as an eyewitness. Try to find me in game before the trial and ill get you hooked up with my lawyer.

I would like everyone to know that I am completely innocent in this, and I only want to encourage capital growth with my clients. See ya'll on Thursday!~~~ Heinz Gormittz- falsely accused

It would be cool to have someone record the proceedings then post them on the forums after the trial.

i am willing to defend this man if the court preceding fits within my schedule. FreeHeinz

5 hours ago, Produs said:

I could be the court reporter if one is needed. To write down everything that is said for a transcript. 


Or jury would be cool as well. 

Yes it would be cool if you wanted to record it and upload to forums later?


5 hours ago, dubVee said:

Id like to be on the jury i will not be bias <3

I will get as many jury as i can then i suppose so


5 hours ago, EPiC_FAiL said:

I would love to be a part of the jury :)

show up to court date and you can help


6 hours ago, Taxi said:

I would love to be part of the Jury because it sounds fun and i think id be good 

show up to court date and you can help


7 hours ago, TheCmdrRex said:

I would love to be apart of the jury. I have zero prior understanding of this issue (hence real jury) and I am not going to be biased.

show up to court date and you can help


6 hours ago, buckie said:

I would love to be part of the Jury because it sounds fun and i think id be good 

show up to court date and you can help


6 hours ago, Fat Clemenza said:

I'd be a bailiff if you need one. You should have at least six jurors. Twelve would be preferable, but that might be hard to come by. Just remember that you'll need a unanimous vote for a conviction or acquittal. 

I was thinking of having 2 outside to check people as they come in, and then 1 or 2 inside for crowd control and criminal transportation

i would love to potentially ruin this muahahaha, 

  1. Suicide vests may be used at any time following normal Roleplay rules.  Misuse of suicide vests to kill restrained players or destroy vehicles for no reason may still result in administrative action.  If these scenarios arise action will be taken entirely at staff discretion.
  • Like 2
1 hour ago, Jpeg said:

i would love to potentially ruin this muahahaha, 

  1. Suicide vests may be used at any time following normal Roleplay rules.  Misuse of suicide vests to kill restrained players or destroy vehicles for no reason may still result in administrative action.  If these scenarios arise action will be taken entirely at staff discretion.

Spoiler alert?


2 hours ago, Marty said:

I gotta see this trial.

Which server will it be on?

Can I be a character witness for the defendant?

Server 1,

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