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McDili, AMA!


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16 minutes ago, McDili said:

. In December 10 of 2015, "Doomsday" happened. Some of the staff went rogue and crazy. All in all it was handled after about an hour or two. The servers were already hurting for population badly, and their hadn't been an update in a couple months.

I remember that day like it was yesterday, there was a war in Kavala, @Fat Clemenza logged in with the many officers that joined us all gathered in formation at the Kavala HQ with Tai leading the army. Upon the order of Martial Law, Tai led the APD force on ground still in formation, walking up the road leading up to the church, it was an epic site. We gathered the the 'rouge' followers and stood gaurd all around them awaiting new orders from Tai. We stood in-line much like the Riot-Police when they are issued out. Tis was a sight to see.


1 minute ago, Krisskross said:

Buy him Popeye's and you'll find out

id rather squirt windex in my eyes and snort bleach

Guest G.O.A.T.
41 minutes ago, McDili said:


As a staff member, no I did not. However before that, yes. Summer of last year was a really bad year for us. It was a couple months post-wipe. The hype was over, and the staff at the time has some much more glaring issues than it has today. We've come a very long way. In December 10 of 2015, "Doomsday" happened. Some of the staff went rogue and crazy. All in all it was handled after about an hour or two. The servers were already hurting for population badly, and their hadn't been an update in a couple months.


Ironically, this event changed Olympus for the better. Updates got churned out over the next two months. I became a Moderator on the heels of that event and worked with Brody and Peter Long. The staff changed so much, and with the updates out, we steadily increased our population again. And now here we are today, at this very moment on a Wednesday Server 1 and 2 have 100 and 91 players on. Servers are doing fantastic. There's always room for improvement, but we're not in any danger of going anywhere anytime soon.

Cheeto Dust. I hate orange juice.

and GOAT

hehe xd

57 minutes ago, McDili said:

Well social life is out the window at either option. So instead I think about how much more interesting reactions I'd get. I'd wanna be sticky, so I could touch people and be really creepy and see their reactions. It would make me laugh.


1. Carebear free zone (This is my own personal answer, not representative of staff ambition as a whole.)

2. Texture bug is easily the largest impact on the game right now. It's not unplayable, but it's close. And I hope Bohemia figures it out soon.

3. To piggy back on #1, and again this isn't representative of staff, I have issues with how strict we are being on censorship. That doesn't mean that I won't enforce what the staff as a whole is enforcing. I won't deviate from my duties just because I have a difference of opinion. But I have always been of the opinion that this is the internet. You can turn off the internet whenever you want, and unlike the real world where bullying and the like can be inescapable, it's perfectly avoidable online. That being said, I don't see the need for censorship outside of enforcing against racial slurs and explicitly sexual conduct. I think right now, it has caused more harm than good. Where before it was barely an issue, now it's basically just another tool for folks to use in a ban war when they aren't actually offended.

Outside of that one issue, the community is amazing. It has touched me and my family on more than one occasion. If you want details on that, ask me. But to stay on topic, the community is fantastic. It will be there for you when it really counts and that's what is amazing to me and why I continue my duties as an admin despite my own disagreements with the direction we are going with some things.

This, so much this.

18 minutes ago, DeadPool1337 said:

do you have bed sheets now? :Kappa:

Of course not

I define myself by my lack of bedsheets.

20 minutes ago, Talindor said:

I remember that day like it was yesterday, there was a war in Kavala, @Fat Clemenza logged in with the many officers that joined us all gathered in formation at the Kavala HQ with Tai leading the army. Upon the order of Martial Law, Tai led the APD force on ground still in formation, walking up the road leading up to the church, it was an epic site. We gathered the the 'rouge' followers and stood gaurd all around them awaiting new orders from Tai. We stood in-line much like the Riot-Police when they are issued out. Tis was a sight to see.

I remember when this happened, I was out of town in Houston and all I could learn was from the forums and TS.


But I heard tell of Tai leading the counter-offensive. I wish I could have been there myself.


1 minute ago, G.O.A.T. said:

and GOAT

hehe xd

For a day, yes. :D

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