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batGooseCan last won the day on April 16

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About batGooseCan

  • Birthday 01/27/2008

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  1. @ NameIess  happy birthday to a like minded individual 

  2. careful with rdm, they havent done a mass unban for people that have been rdmed permed in a while, wouldnt try that. Make sure to initiate properly
  3. No people more deserving. Congratulations @ Milo  @ KermitZooicide  and @ Orbit  on their respective accomplishments!

  4. federal reserve win strat rn is pull so much armor and smoke so much that the server lags. Cops then jump over a wall and kill civs that cannot see them! Very fun
  5. 25 mil no middle man u send money first
  6. Add a 150 mil reward for finding one and this problem would be fixed
  7. I believe it was last year, hard to tell, you guys have gained weight since then
  8. Diamond and US diplomatic security have been known to go swimming together. I'm not sure if you were banned due to their friendship, but I'll link the photo here.
  9. nah man just throw some wood logs and a few houses on every cap. Maybe a big tower or two as well
  10. Was expecting someone wearing a mask tbh
  11. Pursuer* Anyways, the pursuer does have the most control in terms of a collision, but that doesn't give the person being chased the right to handbrake and desync ram the person behind them. Arma collision & desync shouldn't really result in a ban at all imo, but the comp could be decided based on the factors of the situation. VDM rules on this server are dodgy to be fair. Someone driving in a straight line that wouldn't hit another person should 100% not be at fault for someone having to swerve into them. In this situation I don't think anyone is at fault, but with aggressive driving forcing someone into a position where they could crash or swerve into you is up in the air. I'd say it is good tactics, but apparently in this situation had the van hit the wall he would've died. Would this have been a combat log/suicide had he not swerved? It is all very situational and can't really be put into a rulebook. At the end of the day we have to trust the admin discretion which ideally should solve situations like these and it seems like in this case it has. I do though agree it shouldn't be staff in a good mood for comp. That is just a ridiculous precedent to set. Comp is a tricky matter because it is the presumption that had a rule violation/arma accident happened would it affect the situation present? At the end of the day it is up to the admin that is looking at your request. Admin roulette if you will. Still, there should be a standard for issues like this. Edit: I'd rather have staff comp all parties then someone fucked over by shit game code
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