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  1. @ gonewild What is wrong with the video my friend? It is tiktok afterall all you do is put a video over a song thats it & maybe make a transition on the songs beat or something it is made to be 0 effort edits, Thats what tiktok is about Quick 5-15 seconds videos. And i did appeal dont worry.
  2. I will try to edit cool videos and put them on tiktok songs ! Follow me to support my new trend since this haven't been one. Thank you. P.S lets get me unbanned
  3. update that profile picture cheese, its out-dated
  4. maybe add "rent" if you have good houses instead of selling you can rent it to people for a taxed money just in irl
  5. no one did..but admin saw the vid on my channel and decided to ban me.
  6. thank you for getting me banned on my own video..:/ this admins no empathy i didnt mean to break nlr i didnt go for main spot and i was like 5m in nlr zone just for cover. lol
  7. Man i didnt think being that close to me needs to have bullets leading. hid so close it takes like a mili second for the bullet to hit him. leave me alone i was happy i got 3 kills in row and posted just for my gang to see what happened cuz they were asking message me ingame idk who u are im down
  8. id like to be better....im asking for assistance but just getting hate instead of help
  9. u can see where the crosshair is ya..i mean its on him sometimes and i spray hoping some of them will hit. ik im trash u didnt need to say it , i said it myself in the post. thats why i posted so i can get lessons
  10. 3:18 and 4:15 can someone explain to me how? i mean i know im dog shit but someone give me some advice and tell me why i did not kill him in this sitution. is it maybe because i have 150ping? does that have to do with anything? he latterly made fun of me running around and i didnt get him. Please drop some advice. also willing to pay ingame money for peaking lessons and cqc
  12. a better answer would of been this but thank you. i guess im in the wrong delete this post theres nothing i can do about it wp Chapter 4: No Combat Logging
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