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Thomas Blinder

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Everything posted by Thomas Blinder

  1. I still have a dp 25 2 crater house for sale.

    1. Joel


      This is S2 btw everyone.


    1. Joel


      3 Rip was before your time Thomas... But welcome back! :) 

    2. Thomas Blinder

      Thomas Blinder

      I know I know But he is OP as fuck

  3. Is it Possible to get unblacklisted from R&R and APD?

    1. Show previous comments  22 more
    2. Joel


      I tried to get unblacklisted from medic... Didnt work either.

  4. https://gyazo.com/f2b7e3a29bb8d41c1ba0ef1bcaa27d15

    Tried to be nice and let the deputy send me to jail. But @Another One Takes it. HELLO Come on mannnn

    1. Dejay


      Nothing wrong with that.

    2. Linka


      I love how the alias Luke duke goes under

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Lucki


      Yeah, vac bans aren't subjective, they're not based off recordings or any individual person. All it does is detect programs that modify the game in a way that give you an advantage. 

    3. Ham


      I know you're good Rusty, twas just banter. :P

    4. Joel


      @Lucki Yeah, VAC is from using a 3rd party app ( aka a injector ). A Overwatch ban is from being reported a lot and it being watched by a professional ( aka using payed cheats ). 

  5. @Mobundo African Warlord HAPPY BIRTHDAY 




  6. I have came to an understand that i've hurt some people during my "Cancer stages" And i am here to appoligize. I am here to say I'm sorry for everything I've done in the past 6 months I've been here. Yes I understand im "Cancer" I understand Im "Shit tier" I understand that i hurt some MC members such as KONKZ, Gummy, Another One, Clemenza, Ham and everyone in MC that I hurt. Tree I hurt Alot of you too many to say, Night, I am so sorry for making fun of you for "Riding Jaegers dick." Rogue I dont know what I did to you exept flaming @Poseidon's thead but I'm sorry. Arx Im sorry for talking about your small eyes. Ahmed I didnt do anything to you but im sorry. Jaeger Im sorry for being me. Orgondo Im sorry for talking shit to everyone in tree TS. Im sorry for MC Wins Again. Im sorry for telling gidgit to go fuck him self. Im sorry Clemenza for telling you to go fuck your self and to do your job right. I was in the moment and I get very tempered at times. I get tempered when I die and I talk alot of shit. It releaves the stress that I get from this game. Moob if I have said anything to you Im sorry. Everything that I say In side chat or that I say in Ts or even on the forums, I tend to try to be funny but it ends up getting flamed. I sorry GummyCow for calling you an autistic pig. I do these things either out of rage or even for attention. Just know all in all if i piss you off you probably killed me or talked shit in side chat and I get very angry when my name comes up.... The main reason I trash talked you MC bois is because you guys can take the heat you guys are exposed to trash talk every 5 minutes. You guys know how to handle your self when that one retart starts dragging on your chain. Everyone in general that I have hurt, once again I am sorry. I am going to change and stop trying to piss everyone off. All in all I hope everyone can get over this because I am. Im going to stop being CANCER and be a normal human being. Please try not to flame this before @Bubbaloo Burrito locks it. I hope everyone has a great day.
  7. Hello? ARE you even human? OH and get off my post mongoloid.
  8. Not in Tree <3 making the last tree montage then continuing with life bby
  9. June Rewards
    Note: Donation rewards are given to all players if the goal is met.


    Large Storage Crates available for purchase
    250$ paycheck increase

    Please continue supporting Olympus, we can't continue to expand and add new servers without your support.


  10. Alright, I've made my second "Montage" But I cant figure out how to make the actual montage, Here let me show you. https://gyazo.com/ed696bd99e060cabc0dd7cf821f76a34 All my clips are on different Window Movie Maker files, BUT I CANT MERGE THEM ALL TOGETHER. I have done this before and I DONT KNOW HOW TO DO IT AGAIN PLS HELP ME BEFORE I FLIP MY GIGANTIC TITS
    1. T3x4sSl4y3r1776


      faceit is dogshit. if you are not playing on ESEA you are doing it wrong

  11. @Trumper @QKSILVR73

    Guys happy birthday, you both are fucking awesome.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Linka


      Trumper actually is a bully.

    3. Thomas Blinder

      Thomas Blinder


    4. Linka


      calm down fam

  12. Can A admin+ get on the TS please!

    1. Fedot




  13. Are hexs fixed yet? Like omg its been forever i keep team killing cuz i bad!!11!!!1! Are hexs fixed yet? Like omg its been forever i keep team killing cuz i bad!!11!!!1! Rumour has it that the hexes got fixed. Are hexes fixed yet? LIKE WUT DAFUQ MY MOM SAID DOGS Like this
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