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Thomas Blinder

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Status Replies posted by Thomas Blinder

  1. Once Again I am now broke..... I just bought Sony Vegas 13, for $627 What the fuck?!?!?

  2. Once Again I am now broke..... I just bought Sony Vegas 13, for $627 What the fuck?!?!?

  3. Once Again I am now broke..... I just bought Sony Vegas 13, for $627 What the fuck?!?!?

  4. Once Again I am now broke..... I just bought Sony Vegas 13, for $627 What the fuck?!?!?

  5. Once Again I am now broke..... I just bought Sony Vegas 13, for $627 What the fuck?!?!?

  6. Once Again I am now broke..... I just bought Sony Vegas 13, for $627 What the fuck?!?!?

  7. Flying out for another vacation on the 27th of March and I'll be back on the 1st of April. A heads up in case anyone wonders where I am and checks my profile :)

  8. Getting the cops to chase you in a boat, then them grabbing a chopper only to sink it trying to get me out of the water.  Lol.  Good times, good times.  :bender-dance:

  9. o7 boys rip Mayhem was fun, hope all u guys who I am been playing with for a year don't hate me. Cuz I know u are talking mad shit behind my back, looking forward for the new fights. 

  10. Getting my wisdom teeth out tomorrow at 8 a.m. It is my first surgery ever. Wish me luck :)

  11. Just goes to show how fucking ignorant Remer is when he says ComradeGoonie is in MC. Jesus ChristTheNight.

  12. is verbal abuse against rules?

  13. Sitting here in spanish class, looking on the forums, but you know whats better than that? Food.

  14. I opened my pantry, and I got a "Chocolate Bar" out and I ate it, thinking it was chocolate, I had the shits for 5 hours straight. REMEMBER THIS

  15. Sitting here in spanish class, looking on the forums, but you know whats better than that? Food.

  16. Sitting here in spanish class, looking on the forums, but you know whats better than that? Food.

  17. Add a Kidney dealer so I can capture Ozzy and take his Kidney and sell it.

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