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Blueangelman36 last won the day on September 18 2019

Blueangelman36 had the most liked content!


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  1. I knew I logged back on for the first time in a year today for a reason. All the best and godspeed. Found this in my youtube folder today: @ Noble Miss you dude glad you're killing it here!
  2. Selling the DP23 shed. Yes, that one. PM or post best offers.
  3. About time tbh
  4. @ Headless let's make this happen please
  5. Shed is still open if you need shine money to fund your initial investments
  6. Unfortunately, no. The days of the players you mentioned (Bow and Trumper will always have a soft spot for me) are behind Olympus. Having played back then running 501st and then starting Noble a few years later, I can say the servers best days are probably in the rear view mirror. Cartels are still active and decent but the days of robbing or exciting fed events are probably behind. I'd encourage you to check out the blackwater armory if you want to try something new but at this point just wait to see if Arma IV comes out.
  7. throwback to when you wanted to quit the server after you lost all your money miss ya bud
  8. This is a post I wasn't sure was ever going to come. Even though you're stepping away from Olympus, I'm not sad because I don't think we will be stepping away from each other anytime soon. You joined 501st at a weird time and stepped up perfectly to fill the holes we were missing in Bots (whew throwback) and became the biggest driving factor in making Noble what it became. I don't think either of us realized it at the time during those late night strategy sessions, loosing 50 man BWs, or working on our roleplay excel sheets (which I still use as an example to show how roleplay Noble was) that while we were working to build Noble, we were building a genuine friendship too. Of all the things I took away from Olympus, that was the biggest value and your friendship is one of the closest I have on this server, and something I'll always value (even more than the DP 23 shed). It's amazing how far you've come over these last few years. From an excited kid to a jaded mod, your persistence has never ceased to amaze me. The server is loosing one of its most dedicated members today. The amount of work you put into Noble, Civ Council, Mod application v1 and v2, APD, the Wiki, everything you do you charge headfirst into and kill it. Looking forward to seeing what you decide to do next in life and know I'll be rooting for you from the sidelines, and of course only a phone call away if you're ever bored and want to chat with ol' Boomer Blue. Long Live Noble Although we have a lot of memories on Oly, this might still be my favorite:
  9. +1 to this. Thanks for bringing it up, especially in this community
  10. #TeamCheese
  11. I mean go for it man. Fair warning it takes a lot of work to get anything changed in here. There are big personalities on staff and Civ Council doesn't have a ton of authority. If you want to start I'd recommend support team to become intimately familiar with the rules and a civ council spot and go from there. Don't forget to join APD and R&R as well. Don't forget though: this is just a game. I spent some time pouring my life into this game and building it up but now that I'm out I'm glad I'm not doing that anymore. I like having a real life (roasts welcome at that last comment)
  12. Damn another old timer, love to see it. Wb man
  13. Lost a good one today
  14. I think you misspelled cement and glass runs
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