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About OlympusAccount

  • Birthday 01/08/2001

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    : In A World Of Make Believe
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  1. The fuck happened earlier that'd be worth 8 mil?
  2. Could we maybe get some support members or admins on this..?
  3. I'm primarily making this out of curiosity, because I'm wondering if anyone else experienced the same thing. Has anyone else gotten a message from some random they've never met before promoting a different Altis Life server? About an hour or so ago I got a weird message from a guy promoting this server called Near Reality Roleplay. Bear in mind I've literally never met this person, and I have no idea how he knew me or who I was. I then came to realize I had one mutual server with him: The Olympus Entertainment Discord channel. In light of recent events, that message was really fucking fishy, and in my mind that really confirmed that the hacks have been a ploy to try and get the community to move on to this new server. Apologies if this is already well-known info, but thought I'd share it just in case.
  4. Gravity has 2 billion wps

    Can buy an Offroad HMG for 50 wps

    Sells for 300k


    Worth of wps ~$12 trillion dollars

    Gravity is actually the most wealthy player on Olympus by a long shot

  5. Yeah but don't even act like rebels don't do that same shit. The minute a gang member has been tased there's at least two rebels sitting on their vigi outpost within the minute
  6. Least I don't act like I'm important retard
  7. I don't care, it was meant to highlight the irony in him calling me toxic, it ain't that difficult
  8. Land your helicopter/plane and get out/Stop your boat and get out/pull over your car and get out/stop walking and add downvoting or be killed/tased/titaned

  9. Imagine having 330 posts and your rep is still negative
  10. clown stop @ing admins like you're important bot
  12. If Salt Pro wasn't already there Ghost Hotel might've been a cool spot for a Casino. I personally think it'd be cool and I'd have fun but this is the same server that makes you wait to open your garage cos it causes performance issues. Probably wouldn't happen
  13. Without players being able to own rebel and taxi license as the same time there was simply not enough money in it for it to be viable as well
  14. Remove guns and explosives literally 100% of the kills and explosives are done through guns and bombs on the server, they're too op and abused
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