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Everything posted by buckie

  1. Byzantium will return soon my friend, keep it up back to the desert you go
  2. they are here

  3. This has been said since the server was actually alive. It’ll never happen the last 2 players on the server would report eachother and get eachother banned. It’s how it has always been
  4. @ -dante- very bad admin ban me many times for no reason. Those people deserved what I delivered
  6. looks its prophet muhammad
  7. 2018 buckie can’t return without @ DABESTeva you have and will be missed my friend happy birthday 

  8. i request we institute Executive Order 13769 on olympus AND add 1 country, i know all of you may be thinking it is turkey you would be correct
  9. All I see is a bunch of soggy turbans. Turks don’t get there way, they start crying vlad the impaler knows that well
  10. Imagine you’re a person as gullible as @ gaz  the worse candidate in 2020 astroturfed and ran as the 2024 candidate simply because she’s the only one that could use the Biden donor money. And this moron fell for it hook line and sinker. I am glad you are having a melt down and I hope this ruins the next 4 years of your life you retard

  11. I 2nd this, maybe you wouldn’t be lagging if you were still the most powerful country on the planet. That is now us so enjoy your lag bitch
  12. Keep the illegals out
  13. Send these Turks back to the sand dunes. You are nothing without nato supplied weapons. You would look like Syria without nato @ America's biggest fan

    1. Bobby El Churro

      Bobby El Churro

      lol u idiot. 😄 very ignorant

  14. @ silton who is this person if u would like to call it that
  15. I called mako the n word and he didn’t give me admin this shit is rigged guys. @mcdili where u at 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. johnny goose

      johnny goose

      You know olympus is in a bad state...

    3. CIA JOSH

      CIA JOSH

      When Buckie isn’t synonymous with Olympus’ favorite past time (racism) you know shits gone down hill 

    4. Skateezy


      @ Poseidon pls save us they dont know buckie anymore

  16. Next thing he’ll do is add fur suits to the rebel shop replacing ghillies
  17. welcome back @ Leviathan

    1. bummm


      honestly from the moment i've been talking with you and who you and we're talking about sex
      Everytime we talk i have my hand down my pants thinking of you
      Honestly you get me so fucking hard
      Its ridiculous
      I dont know
      Maybe because you said your a nymphomaniac and that shot gets me going
      Like even in call when i said i was hard that was true
      My hand was down my fucking pants
      Going to town

  19. @ SheriffJohnBeard u got trump derangement syndrome and seem to have some leftist brain rot. very sad to see someone being consumed by propaganda made by a bunch of toddlers chewing chicken shit
  20. give this man his 25 dollars a month
  21. yearly wipe start it june 1st and free money @ Ryan

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. buckie


      As long as you pay Ryan’s bills you do you 

    3. The Antichrist

      The Antichrist

      Awww toxic little buck buck is growing up.

    4. buckie


      I just come to internalize anything you say objective or subjective mean as much as a fart in the wind 

  22. @ Ryan  unban @ hawkg  right now or hatchbacks is taking the money from the PayPal 

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