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Everything posted by DoctorK

  1. I would be surprised if this was the case. You may not see them around or playing, but I wouldn't say they're inactive.
  2. This sums up my opinion. I know it's annoying to have to deal with a medic running around a cartel fight, especially when they can and sometimes do tip the scales in another gang's favor. However, requiring a medic to be escorted into a cartel by the APD would be the same as stating medics are not allowed to enter at all. Rarely do the APD have time to escort medics anywhere, let alone a cartel fight. Entering a cartel requires at least 3 officers including a sergeant. EMT's are lucky to get a single PO when requesting an escort into lesser red zones. Making medics KOS would likely yield the same result. Not many would make the tiring journey to cartel island know there is a 95% chance they'll be domed within the first minute of being in render distance. IMO if rebels want a cartel fight with no medics, just have a gentlemen's agreement not to request. The medics won't come if no one asks them to.
  3. Just the first thing I found whilst searching. So no Konkz I won't join your guild because I don't play.
  4. Just thought I'd post this here in case anyone had the same questions I did. I found a guide for exporting teamspeak identities, for those who want to play ARMA (or use Teamspeak) on a different computer whilst still using their tags and privileges. https://hypixel.net/threads/guide-transferring-copying-your-teamspeak-identity-to-another-device.529981/ It's really pretty simple, but for someone who has no idea where to start it is a big help. Basically all you have to do is export your teamspeak identity on the computer you were first tagged on. This then creates a setup file which you can take to any computer and have it imported for use there. Be sure to keep it safe. We don't want anyone falling victim to identity theft. Also, if you use teamspeak bookmarks, you can choose which identity you use for each bookmark individually just in case you want to also use the default identity on the second computer. P.S. if anyone reading this could move it to the Guides section of the community I would appreciate it. If nothing else I can remake the post.
  5. I'm all for a more respected vigilante faction, but part of the problem with giving vigilantes too much power is our inability to police them. A lot of people who purchase vigi licenses have no idea that there is a segment of the handbook dedicated to vigilante conduct. If we give them too much to work with, there has to be a method for checking to make sure they at least read the rules one time. The APD do what we can, but as many will testify we are almost never in town to witness the abuse cases happen. People seem to enjoy doing federal reserve robberies and jail breaks. Just today I received 3 complaints of vigi abuse. Which, if the sources were accurate in their descriptions, were actually grounds for a report. It does still happen regularly. It might be a possibility to establish a sort of "Senior" vigilante for those with a good reputation. That way you can police your own vigi brethren whilst still gaining a bump in firepower to make you respectable.
  6. If you do decide to go with skype, do be sure not to show anyone's username for.... reasons.
  7. Check the profile: West By God Virginia
  8. Nah fam, straight as an arrow. But I live in an area where people walking around town dressed like this is common so it's a mix of nostalgia and self hatred
  9. The emotions are too complex to describe.
  10. I don't know how I feel about this.
  11. For those currently playing, will I have to download the Apex update/DLC before getting on Olympus?

    1. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      Apex is not out just yet. This was just a fairly "small" update they call " Road to Apex " which included some visual upgrades and a vastly improved VON. Just get on and play :) 

    2. DoctorK


      Thanks for the SITREP, I'll be doing just that this evening

    3. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      You are welcome. I linked the SITREP in our TWITTER but I can't access the latter from work so just check it out there ;) 

  12. When the shipping of your PC is delayed a day for "unknown reasons". FeelsBadMan 

  13. You handled it well. Know the rules, and don't let a salty perp shake your confidence or composure. 95% of the time that's all you can do.
  14. I swear I'm coming back. Just have to recover from this 36 hours with no sleep thing
  15. Finally back in the states and through customs 375f83b36100786ec9adbaf3faaa6a9019f36b7c

  16. Happy Birthday Mr. K. Hope it was good

  17. Sitting in a Quito Airport. Finally headed back to the states. See you all soon.

  18. Finally at the airport. Heading to South America (specifically Ecuador) to play some Medic IRL. See you guys in a week and a half.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ProfessionalHostage


      don't be aids or catch aids

    3. DoctorK


      Not a doctor yet, it's just a service trip. I'll be working with a medical clinic that travels to smaller cities outside of Riobamba for basic wellness and treatment. We do have licensed surgeons with us though so anything necessary is a possibility.

    4. ProfessionalHostage


      ok 3rd grade research paper coming in..

      MY PRESENTATION IS ON REEOHBAMBI. It is located in Equedor. Its chief exports are malaria, cattle, and ak47s. It is believed that you can get 3 handjobs for one American dollar, or 2 handjobs for a Canadian handshake. Camp Rogain is named after the favorite past times of its soldiers.

  19. Re-downloading Arma on ye ole laptop while waiting to move PC. vDAexp5.png

    Should be done in about 3 weeks :Kappa:

    1. ComradeGoonie


      At least you have better internet than I do. I only get 48kb/s

    2. Thomas Blinder
  20. Yea sorry I couldn't get to you earlier. That carpet bombing that randomly hit the city had to be investigated and I totally forgot you were stuck. My bad
  21. DoctorK


    I have one question for you; That's the only thing I can suggest for what is clearly paranormal activity.
  22. Little bit late to the party on this topic, but holy RIP CoD. The Infinity trailer is breaking some records. Definitely not in a good way.

    1. Augustus
    2. Brennan


      "All media is good media?"

  23. 24 Pages and a lot of lost sleep later, my Research Paper is finally finished. Summer is finally here :happygary:

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