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Everything posted by Jordan

  1. dd82f0a7f6.png?width=735&height=392


    server distributon 4 / 23 / 2

    was a good laugh seeing that they dont even all fit on 1 screen.

  2. wut the ghillie suits have 8/4/4/8 or 8/4/8/4 theyre the highest you can see in the shop
  3. that a recent thing? like 3 weeks ago it was a huge issue in wasteland. had 4 people in a truck, driver slams into a hay-bale repair kits just explode everywhere. 3 people die instantly in 100 armor vests / ghillie suits, im perfectly fine in my 100 armor / opfor HEX i took. had a good luls from that.
  4. its extremely obvious in wasteland where it shows you armor values all tactical vests except for the police one has an armor rating of 30 the police vest has an armor rating of 100 along with like 3-4 others (the GA carrier rig being one of them) combine the 100 armor vest with hex clothing (OPFOR default clothing) and you can survive up to 5-6 7.62 shots at ~300 meters. the ghillie suits also give decent armor coming in second, but the HEX have by far the highest clothing armor (14 chest compared to the 8 of ghillie). tldr use a GA carrier rig or police vest + HEX or ghillie and your durability goes up by a fuck ton.
  5. 10 second mark
  6. considering i have a video from august of last year of our group getting someone banned for driving his hemtt into the water ima say this has been the dealio for a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONGGGGGGGGGGGGG time, just not written down
  7. wut going on
  8. lirik altis life hype is dead. the summer i joined lirik was pumping out altis life to roughly 50000 people per day. then he continued to play that and arma3 life which generated so much hype around the life mods cutting off that exposure to thousands of people will be a huge boot to the nuts of any community in those mods. ill admit, the ONLY reason i even tried altis life was because i saw lirik robbing the fed and getting flash banged. i tried it out with my group of friends and bam, were here for 6 months. without him i would of just been playing wasteland. even if some new people come and leave because of money / gangs etc... having only an extremely small fraction of people coming to check it out compared to before will result in less people. edit: lirik has started streaming A3L again, so something might change.
  9. tldr is the lirik hype died off and altis life doesnt have the constant influx of new people coming to play it
  10. nvr forget doomsday he took care of every hostage situation with 1 mag to the hostage
  11. as demonstrated by desyncd fugi on that random day we had the new map months ago
  12. are all the old tickets gone? had a few where jen completed them in under 15mins of being submitted
  13. Y settings remove sidechat should be there
  14. 8am breakout....owait
  15. it came out with 6.25 2 weeks ago, i mean soon
  16. remember 2 months ago when everybody was bitching that all the cops just stacked in kavala and werent doing anything around the map? well here you go peeps. the cops are out and around the map and have been labeled as greedy bounty hunting kids now
  17. Coke field was moved to the northern oil field area northern oil field was moved to the east side of the map diamonds and platinum were moved FAR north near sand heroin field was moved a few kilometers northeast
  18. never forget
  19. yeah with insurance i dont see a problem with titans maybe 3 texts ghosthawk style to let people get away, but still able to kill aggressors.
  20. the shoulder width lines are fucked
  21. this guy would probably kill himself if he heard grandma garys accent
  22. they also go alot faster than slow ass hemtt. and more than 2 people can go into a tempest covered
  23. if they arent on the map it means they respawned. people can accidentally hit request revive instead of respawn at 0 seconds but then respawn right after (this makes their next death 3 minutes i believe). but yeah, they get the red symbol + red name on the map at the location they died.
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