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Everything posted by RAYRAY

  1. dam I wasn't aware you were basically a legend oh oh and I had the same rig as you and no helm
  2. true but I was outnumbers lol
  3. but you did too!
  4. nice bro, it's inbray btw that guy u said sucks
  5. tbh we got raped over in tree but my ass still doesn't hurt as bad as most ppl on here rn
  6. I got faith in you Jesse the trump of Olympus
  7. forr real cartel is for two bored gangs looking for a gun fight well said
  8. thought it was worth a post lol it would be cool u cap an then wanna go do a run
  9. make it so when you cap the cartel you process shit faster pls
  10. I am random guys first like
  11. can u like come up with some new content ? are your parents mad at your for being on the computer all the time yet u fag my life is way better than yours anyway pos
  12. fuck your wooden teeth MC fags funny how when people leave tree they get a boner for it
  13. for a fact the parachute shit is retarded I mean if it dropped you over kavala it would be dope tho
  14. not gunna lie rust is pretty gay an I don't see anybody donating cuz of rust servers but anyway yeah idr think we need a 3rd server I get on a night usually and there's 10 people on server 2 maybe 25-30 on 1
  15. this happened to me once but I was going 300 n jus died n blew up n the hemmit was all good lol
  16. oh genghis ..
  17. my shit kept doing the same till I updated my drivers n windows 10
  18. alright lmao that is a pretty good example of what happens when most the primes aren't on idk y people say that like almost everytime I get on we are at cartels at some point but either way the difference between tree an others is we always gunna be here an we have fun even if we die
  19. that's it, have a nice day
  20. feel like my "battle station" is a crack station compared to you nerds
  21. lmfao pretty much
  22. you should do it again bro lmao a whole gang of lawyers haha, name yourself Johnie Cochran in game
  23. I swear like 2 years ago was a different time for sure. someone on here said it the best. "the average player is better now" so true. not saying that's a bad thing but when I first started playing it was more about doing funny shit and interacting with other people in game, I never had this process of get money, kill, eventually inevitably die, repeat . asylum was fun a long time ago nobody had money an you could jus yell WHO WANTS TO GATHER COKE an like 10 random kids you never met would tag along .. the rest is history. lmao, + gangs used to use there name to make short movies and shit and they were always so fuckin dopeee. like fsa or bad blood always had dope movies about how they wanted to kill cops Or fsa would have dope movies jus about how they were dedicated to there cause blah blah blah. I liked that shit. there was lore. there was a story. nowadays you try n do something like that everybody is like "cringe broo so cancer wow u cuck" like ight I remember when I was a virgin, i secretly hate when people use those words cuz it makes me think of a 12 year old kid with braces n snot running down his face an he's prolly good at math but whatever not the point. maybe the point is, life servers used to be a more friendly place ? idk. Jesus why have you forsaken me. what was your best experience being a new player ? idk everytime I meet someone who's new to altis life I try an hook them up . show up with all the tree homies or something take em for a quick sacrifice if they being a dick, more in depth if they play along lmao .. idk I know if I was new again to life servers I would LOVE for some funny/weird shit like that to happen to me... I do not want be a hypocrite rn though so I'm gunna say this: I do love to shoot people
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