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Genghis Khan

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Everything posted by Genghis Khan

  1. well you had a lot to say in the heli...
  2. Thats, cool I hope they bring it back
  3. Ok so I found this guy acting like a cop, but his Mx had a grenade launcher. I asked him about it and he said its rare af and it was from when cops use to have tear gas. Ive only been a part of this community for like a year now, and I would like to know more about this.
  4. gay af ik you were gay, look at them eyebrows. XD
  5. Fuck you you stole my title.
  6. Holy shit its not @3 Rip's Birthday today?

  7. This Mother fucker stole my idea I'm working on a video of random clips, Fuck you @Opus you Wanker fuck.
  8. Oh look Now 3 Rip is seventeen.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. 3 Rip
    3. Genghis Khan

      Genghis Khan

      yeah happy birthday then lol

    4. JBruesch


      5 hours ago, 3 Rip said:

      Today is actually my birthday lol

      You just turned 6 and a half, right?

  9. I know it says 2mill, but ill go down to a mill for both, its only a one crater, holds 266meth processed.
  10. Because like you see above We were in a huge meth run I stored all my meth and i wanted to divert attention away.
  11. Didn't Get to save the money tho but I chopped this bitch lmao.
  12. wtf?
  13. lol yeah that's funny af, and Thanks bro. rip
  14. yo dude I haven't seen you in a while.
  15. I still like everyone in Tree but I'm take a break because I want to do my own thing, But I made this video.
  16. You can always count on @Peter Long for a tactical respawn.
  17. Is it 3 Rip's birthday everyday?

    1. Rusty


      yes he is growing up fast

  18. my video got taken down because we did a drive by to a medic and a passenger said Tree gang nigga! then we shot him.
  19. I don't think so.
  20. Does anyone actually explore Altis? Like when I'm on Medic early af I just explore the ocean. But I found this thing idk what it is?
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