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Everything posted by TroyOGG

  1. This last 3 weeks on Olympus

    1. Mercury


      Only time I ever land a shot.

    2. matthewbryan658@gmail.com

      [email protected]

      when is my interview iv been waiting I got accepted on Friday 11pm

  2. I told ya guys it was over hyped. But no one listened!
  3. http://www.mediafire.com/file/cdfdpsmh5lwiuln/Vp13.zip Here is a link to Vegas Pro 13 ive had it in my media fire account for the last 3 years or so. so here ya go. Enjoy!
  4. ADD FUCKING TRACK SUITS OR PILOT HELEMTS you know something we want :-)
  5. so done how much you thinking
  6. Why cant you receive messages?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      I CREAMED his INbox back then to get staff. So it was probably my fault. :Kappa::Kappa: 

    3. Poseidon


      It's full :|. I'll clean it

    4. TroyOGG
  7. Fatigues (Green Hex) [CSAT] x 40 2Mil?
  8. http://www.bestbuy.com/site/aoc-23-ips-led-hd-monitor-black-silver/8176078.p?skuId=8176078 THE BEST MONITOR EVER USED
  9. do you play? or do you do you just logon to ruin gangs and leave?
  10. i've been supporting them since before i was banned im just supporting whats true.
  11. I agree with Muth But texture bugs are not his fault its Arma 3's So stop haten until you can do it yourself.
  12. CPU: AMD FX-8320 GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960 4GB Ram: 16GB DDR3
  13. How often do you play on other servers? I get Texture bugs on Asylum as well just not as many. @Muthinator has all this shit to do by himself for instance. This is what @Muthinator has to make by himself THIS IS ONLY 2 OF THE COUNTLESS NUMBERS OF TEXTURES if you can tell me what vehicle that is for then by all means, @Muthinator has a difficult task on his hands for you to have fun and while bugs are here and there just give him and BI time to work everything out but until you know what goes into making a life server then don't talk shit about one. Even with all the texture Olympus is still the best server out there and if i could i would do anything to play again. Thank You - Box @McDili Told ya guys to smoke weeds See kids not smoking gets you in timeout SO SMOKE AWAY!!!
  14. @Mini @buckie Get along, Smoke weed and have fun. Cheers! - Box
  15. it might work but how knows til you do it.
  16. lol
  17. Simple computer logic 32- bits max integer values are 4,294,967,295 (4gbs) while 64-bit max is 18,446,744,073,709,551,615 (65 petabytes) With a 64-bit Process your CPU has more things to access hence making it run smooth while 32-bit has less witch is why you max it out your comp spec are still the same just have more room to do it Analogy Say you have a 10000 square feet factory - this is your 64-Bit processor now you can only use 2000 square feet of it to do work - this is the 32-Bit Program running on your 64-bit processor now say you rent out the last 8000 square feet of the factory now you have more room to do stuff but doesn't mean its better - upgrading 32-bit to 64-bit. ^see simple^ Even BI knows
  18. 64-Bit will not give you better fps or fix every texture bug it will just help.
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