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Everything posted by TroyOGG

  1. @ Energy has been having this issue for months, he resorted to not opening the game anymore.. It seems to have worked. Hope this helps.
  2. Selling Armed Huron

    Freshly claimed Huron with a couple guns they are cleaned, polished and the aircraft is detailed and ready to find a home not in a runners garage. 

    Add me on discord for offers! 

    Box-C OG#0682

  3. !!Freshly claimed Armed Huron!! Find yourself in a "brand" newly owned aircraft with guns. Gun bearings have been lubed and she is ready for battle! **Pilot seat has been cleaned of blood** Box-C OG#0682 Add me on discord for offers!
  4. Can you please define. How do we know if they are entering the zone, and not just passing near it? Just by driving towards it? even if they never touch the Red.
  5. PSA :  The Evidence guidelines are guidelines  not rules. You do not need to show the situation or even names in your video. 




    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Fuzy


      Show your POV then, smut.

    3. Farrel


      Sit loser 

    4. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      I'm confused.  Is this your attempt to show that no rules where broken?  Because I have some bad news for you ;D

  6. Bring back the ol' Retro Neon uniforms350b24b57ea66c7bb98830366ecdba3f.png

    1. Millennium


      it wasn't even neon

  7. Wont show up in sidechat. Shows up in wanted list, texts and over the head. It says confirmation, not times you change it. 1 Time only, I want Paypal Ifrit and Spiderman.
  8. if they would abuse it, why are they on the force. Its a great tool for Roleplay, like checkpoints.
  9. PO should be able to use Road Kits
  10. Selling Kav GunStore 4 Crater 


  11. Can you show the cords to the house? Is it the bungalow on garage??
  12. Calling all CMR & MK14C users!!

    What's your 1 second click rate?


    Mine is 8


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Xlax
    3. Millennium


      @ Xlax  shit you selling autoclickers now instead of pulldowns?

    4. Xlax


      @ Millennium  nah im actually selling an in depth video conference on how to repetitively click your mouse with the most efficiency humanly possible

  13. Minor flaw? You didn't do anything right in the app besides age and steamid admit you didn't read it and just move on and say next time you will and try to be less toxic, called growing up
  14. Just like you ask, can you please provide a detailed example. Only people I see saying that are the ones that got denied cause they don't know how to accept when they need to change. Please grow up mr.38 year old. Your crying over a game, when the application format even said you'll be denied if you can't follow it. You cant follow the very 1st step. Go fix yourself before you can fix the server. Sorry that I know what soil beneath my feet feels like. Grow up and stop bitching.
  15. Ive countless times made fun of and shit on diamond while playing, dude 100% does not like me. I know no one in the council Just have actual ideas that are thought out, its really that simple. No hidden society bs that ive seen. Were all addicted to this game and trip soo…
  16. Lets be clear… you didn't even read the application post and provide a proper title. Theres no ideas and no actual attempt at caring or relaying why you would be good. The 1st thing it says on the application "Please title this request as "Name - Civ Council Dept" Example - 'DeadPooL - Civ Council Runs' Read this before submitting: https://olympus-entertainment.com/topic/31891-civilian-council-applications-open/**IF YOU DO NOT FILL OUT THE APPLICATION WITH A NARRATIVE AND PROPER TITLE YOU WILL BE DENIED" Start there. Even my application with all the detail you would want was denied for reasons, then I got it later. Please just take a look in the mirror and stop throwing a pity party for yourself. You need to do things differently not fight for why you didn't do something wrong. Accept, Move On, Grow. That applies to all aspects of life. Either stay toxic or evolve, I made my choice and its seemed to work out so far. I wish you luck in the future.
  17. TroyOGG


    bet, so we making diss tracks now.
  18. It should cost money to initiate a warrant like at least 50k

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