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Everything posted by MrB1

  1. Without spamming ingame ads for people to vote for me, even though I won't win cause @DeadPool BOTS his votes, im proud to have 36 votes....

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. MrB1


      @DeadPool that's not how a civ rep should be talking to civs come on now...

    3. DeadPool


      You are trying to start stuff because I told you having a rebel without a red zone makes no sense

    4. MrB1


      Just like having the apd obtain 50 cals doesn't make sense?

  2. DO IT FOR THE MEME 2018

  3. MrB1

    my goodbye

    you left me out..
  4. Yeah this wasn't funny at all tbh...
  5. Sorry I have to say it for the people who don't agree I am reformed but this is needed .... skirt deez nutzz
  6. Well only way I can see a way out of this is ride with a group guys have one guy jump out and full auto the vehicles tires and hop back in the only way you can get caught is if they get a name. Logs don't show vehicle damage by who shot
  7. Honestly this rule is so dumb, @McDili What are you feeding your staff these days man. RDM - Random DEATH match me shooting tires to a vehicle to prevent it from going places shouldn't be a banable offense that's the dumbest thing I've heard in years on this server.
  8. Mav, your logic is irrelevant no one plays to play fair, we play to make money and beat others. You honestly believe irl if a car chase was happening they wouldn't try to immobilize the vehicle by any means necessary? This rule is stupid and by all means.
  9. Then this needs to be stated in the server rules, I haven't seen any updates as far as that or staff clearly stating this could be a banable offense. Can't expect players to follow rules if they aren't clearly stated in your servers rules and guidelines ... and to be banned for something that has only been discussed amongst staff is not logical in my eyes.
  10. Your saying if I shoot out someone's tires to disable their vehicle without engaging prior is RDM? People have been doing this for years @McDili shall you clarify this please.
  11. Simple answer shooting out someone's tires is NOT considered RDM seeing as how you did not die, there is no such thing as "attempted rdm" therefore there's that.
  12. Okay we done here?
  13. I meant when people complained about being hit / ddos'd after joining your "CQC" server i believe thats a pressing issue in itself. Also in the support room's you insist on me joining your server over and over and over again, kinda seems like you want to obtain my IP. Regardless of the point you have NO factual information regarding me, keep my name out your topics/comments and fucking run your own campaign and get your own votes.
  14. You keep bringing up Salvation as if I owned it, I played a ROLE on that community, which yes I advertised to my supposed "friends" to come and enjoy their time, Regardless it was a server STARTING up with devleopment starting from 0% that doesn't justify, nor describe my mindset on ideas to help benefit that server vs Olymups, a starting community has more pressing concerns rather than if new runs should be implemented or if cartels should give gang's paychecks rather than a sell % for example. Your arguement is invalid and not reasonable and not true in any means, shape or form. You are outing people for your own "gain" in the running for civ rep, you concern yourself with your "campaign" and obtaining your votes YOUR way, but trying to pull someone down with incorrect statements and comments is not needed nor necessary. Have a great day google, and best of luck.
  15. Watch my next meme, you will decide after that. You are honestly the worlds idiot here on olympus, Soon you will see the amount of time and dedication I have put into olympus in the past few months, @Jesse can confirm, secondly I have donated tons of money to help Olympus, was on the support team (unfortunetly not anymore) helping people out, I did giveaways as far as money, I make meme's to provide entertainment and Ive been on this server nearly since it started. To say I "dont care" is by far an understatement, Just because I joke around and I left for a brief period to obtain a position I dreamed about doesn't mean I dont care or never have. Get your facts straight and do something other than a CQC server to which you have given out IP's for, also ..... why did you message ME in regards to exposing @zoomzooooooom for trying to get you permed? I thought I don't do things for community members?....
  16. :/ oh god this sucks more than I suck admin dicks for an unban..... Im not even going to attempt to rap battle you, cause thats what you want 1, and 2. https://youtu.be/L-pY2POzYLg?t=11
  17. -1 Text to speech horrible I must have not taught you right.
  18. Hey this entire idea out your head theak, won't happen.
  19. This isn't a good idea, I was BEST FRIENDS with socio, we knew each other IRL and i know that he would find a situation like this not suitable just cause someone taking their own life doesnt mean they need to be broadcasted on a billboard in kavala square, especially him. Regardless of the matter people are grieving including myself up to this date on the loss of my good friend. We don't need to drag it on further and advocate publicity because of such tragic events, what would be more constructive is just sharing your experiences and sharing your times you had with socio and leaving it at that.
  20. MrB1


    Do it for the meme, 2018 VOTE MR BOONIE FOR CIV REP
  21. MrB1

    My time

    See you bud
  22. I don't specialize in any tasks other than maybe my irl job responsibilities, aside from that never said I specialize in any skill set / task however In this post I'm wondering exactly what I'm looking at the purpose of taking a overview shot of a part of a city In game...
  23. Go to the media team section of the forums, also something's coming soon to Olympus to benefit new players that I and Ryan have been working on, but it's truly none of your concern, now is it. You can roast all you want im not going to rebuttal, have a great day. Uh oh.... that hurt my feelings. You can roast all you want im not going to rebuttal, have a great day.
  24. ...... You must be blind. It's ok though. No thanks.
  25. What am I looking at.... it's just an overview of a portion of a city.....with the Olympus logo ontop and a black and white filter....
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