I'll use me for an example. I haven't "gotten used" to no NLR. It sure is nice, but I would much rather prefer having a better loadout and lethals. I'm only a deputy, I have way more hours on civ than I do on cop, I know how it feels to get arrested, and I know how it feels to get kidnapped on cop. It's totally different. I haven't seen any robo-copping (except when someone goes afk on us) or shit talking, so I don't even know how that goes.
But, the topic is about tazing cops, so I'll say this - it's totally different from what civs face when a cop arrests them. You can fight off more than 1 cop single handedly because you will usually have WAY better gear. No matter how "overpowered" deputies apparently are, GA Carrier Rig with a 7.62 is way superior to what cops use to taze you. You can easily fight off 3 PO's and flee if you have a buddy with you, but there's absolutely nothing you can do when you're in the middle of kavala aids and a group of vigilantes say "hands up or be tazed".
I agree cops do have the upper hand in most situations, but that's how it's made to be. That was the intention of the developers. When they gave civs way better gear, I'm sure not giving cops NLR was something to consider. But, when they put in the spar in the vigilante shop, I'm sure none of them were thinking "this is going to be a great way to go rob every cop that's deployed in kavala"