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Everything posted by Ajax

  1. Marketing likes pledjax, we will roll with that unless Pledge disapproves
  2. I'm working with my associates to see if we can get a bottle of Ajax and pledge mixed and I'm talking to my graphic designers to make a PLAX label Edit: marketing does not like the name PLAX, any other ideas?
  3. Support team Ajax, I'll clean up your problems so good it will be like your problems were never there
  4. The only problem with that is that people get "RDMed" by vigis all the time. You don't know how many times I've been sitting in kavala with a 30k bounty and get tazed out of nowhere... it's even happened to me as a vigi. I was at the outpost buying more zip ties and some idiot came up behind me, tazed me, restrained me, and sent me straight to jail without saying a word... all because of a 40k bounty.
  5. That's because of your time zones... when I play there are usually full servers
  6. I wish I had a garage in dp 3
  7. For what reason? No rules were broken
  8. Good how pissed was that guy? I mean if I were him I would have cussed you the fuck out for pulling out infront of me
  9. I heard the hemmit too and was like... oh shit... lol, did you get revived? Or did you lose that awesome spar 16
  11. Yeah I noticed way better performance because my ram was bottlenecking it.
  12. Yep same thing happened to me, upgrading ram helped like LOADS
  13. I wish I had tons of fucking time like that... damn
  14. Damn... wanna give me some? Lol, but seriously how did you make all of your money? I know all falcon did was steal bounties from people
  15. R o g e r t h a t
  16. I just love how you don't give a single shit about how much money you just spent on that.. lol, I have 10 mill and I still wouldn't do that.
  17. I used to get this problem a lot... how much ram do you have and what CPU do you have I had 8 gb of ram and I got that problem, when I updated to 16 gb I no longer had that problem
  18. I love your profile picture
  19. I can't tell who is the side chat warrior and which one is you
  20. I absolutely love this, you were just about to shoot then... *flicks wrist down* *boom* "I'm triggered as fuck"
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