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Everything posted by Ajax

  1. ive got 16gb ddr4 and a 970 im thinking about overclocking the CPU
  2. Send me your settings damn I’ve got an i7 8700k and get 25-30 in kav and 40 everywhere else
  3. Can confirm... Last night when I was on there wasn't a single call from 2am till 4-30am eastern time...
  4. and @Genghis Khan accidentally showed porn on his stream... my life is complete

  5. thanks for the view we dont consider you an issue... its more like that one mosquito that flies around your ear... sure its annoying but once you slap it... aka rip its vigi license it usually doesn't come back. And honestly the fact that you decided to use my appearance as a roast is pretty sad. I mean you are probably giant greaseball that has his mom bring him food to his room to eat so you can be a vigi scum literally every second of the day. Adios Amigos Harry Potter out @Deadpool
  6. hmmm thats weird... this isn't call of duty?
  7. damn boy thats gonna be hella lit... you got a ways to go tho... good luck
  8. Ajax


    The first time I realized it actually said Bitches I lost it lmao...
  9. Ajax


    Me too
  10. Ajax


    thats the point?
  11. Ajax


    Donation Goal? @Peter Long
  12. So basically... you're welcome @Mercury https://gyazo.com/d6d8bd5b000de133c3ff1f33bbd230f9 Can we add this to the R&R shop plz?
  13. Officer jones takes a bullet to the head before backup could arrive... officer jones is now dead... press F to pay respects
  14. Honestly pre-written messages are ok to me as long as it clearly states who you are engaged with... this message is literally aids to read and the obvious point of it is to confuse the reader long enough to distract him and just shoot him. Ban this fool... The only interaction I’ve had with y’all is when y’all followed the APD for the better part of 2 hours chasing some rebels from war zone and when we finally tazed and restrained most of them y’all got salty Bc you didn’t get any money so you took one of their ifrits... if it wasn’t for the last guy who killed the guys chasing you we woulda ripped your vigi license before you could even blink. oh and just so you know don’t assume cops are on your side... most of them hate vigis because they try to steal bounties and are in general scummy people. Most cops will act nice and just wait to you fuck up then they will rip your license.
  15. Ajax

    WTS| S1 Meth house

  17. Aight chief... I’m out of town rn but when I get back I’ll shoot you a PM idk if it’s gonna be tomorrow or Monday or Tuesday...
  18. Ajax

    WTS speed bomb

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