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Status Replies posted by DashTonic

  1. Happy Easter! @EntireOlympusCommunity

    (I just assumed your religion:Kappa:)

  2. I apparently need 8 guys in the gang to buy a gang warehouse. Do I need to have 8 guys AFTER I buy? If they leave after I buy, will I lose the warehouse?

  3. Shout out to @DashTonic for making it rain boys. March donation goal met! 

  4. I rather have a blank ghosthawk and a sign in the middle of nowhere as a hospital instead of this retarded creation Muthinator has made. Props for making the server unplayable though, I'll give you that much.

  5. I rather have a blank ghosthawk and a sign in the middle of nowhere as a hospital instead of this retarded creation Muthinator has made. Props for making the server unplayable though, I'll give you that much.

  6. You salty fucks who cannot handle a female in a position of authority in a video game community need to either grow the fuck up or get the fuck out.

  7. so rip apd demotion guide is gone ?

  8. if someone can edit some things for me ill pay ya 500k 

  9. Hey Isaac, i saw that my R&R application was on hold. I was just curious on how long those applications usually take to process. sorry for the bug, but im just eager to get out on the field lol  

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