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swrvy last won the day on June 1 2022

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About swrvy

  • Birthday 11/12/1999

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  1. someone who voted for biden please tell me why im genuinely curious

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    2. swrvy


      @Fiend nah hes not a socialist the people who are pulling his strings are. he has no idea whats going on all he does is show up and read what they put on the teleprompter. if you dont realize, a 52% tax on income and payroll is the closest america has ever been to socialism. taxes in itself are a form of socialism. its not black and white, capitalism and socialism. right now we are in between but leaning far more towards capitalism than socialism. also he IS far more socially liberal than any other presidential candidate we’ve had in a long time. we americans dont care what ur doing in canada because we know yall already fucked urselves voting in trudeau. dont try and say yall are doing well under him because i already know u arent. your countrys GDP has been tanking because black face boy doesnt know what hes doing

    3. Slav



      Uh, no. Biden during his time as the senator of Delaware spent much of his time supporting financial deregulation, which is not something a socialist would do. Taxation also does not equal socialism. Capitalism and socialism deal with the means of production and who has ownership over it. If Biden wins it's not like the government will assume ownership over the means of production thus removing the free market. He instead is going to use taxes to aid government services while deregulating the market in other ways. For example, and this is hypothetically speaking, if the government covered healthcare than businesses won't have to offer healthcare insurance to their employees. This aligns more with neo-liberalism with strong ties to modern liberalism, something the the U.S. heavily subscribes towards. It's not entirely collectivist, nor is it entirely individualistic.


      I don't like Trudeau, but your attempt to attack Canada is kind of hilarious. Yes, the GDP decreased, but that trend only started in 2020, you know, COVID-19. It was steadily climbing before that, even when Trump put tariffs on Canada. And if you wish to talk about it, Trump took off those tariffs in September because Canada was about to retaliate with $3.6 billion dollars worth in tariffs. Trudeau is an idiot, but we do have some people in cabinet that are able to use their brain. 

    4. John Wayne

      John Wayne

      Bottom line is if you don’t like trump because whatever personal reason offends you than you vote blue. 
      last election he was a woman hater because he was running against a woman. If you want a laugh watch A CNN interview before he was president and you’ll see everyone, even Democrat’s, licking his ass

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