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Posts posted by swrvy

  1. 1 minute ago, NokiaStrong said:

    See I agree Biden might cause slight loss in gdp long term but currently democrats are the one pushing a stronger stimulus bill while gop avoiding the issue.

    dude the latest stimulus deal was turned down because nancy pelosi wouldnt let it pass without adding a bunch of extra stuff


    11 minutes ago, NokiaStrong said:

    ah yes someone with a college degree teaching a college level course who has won numerous national awards or someone who did a lil googling. Sounds about right.

    laissez faire doesnt work, if the country slips into rescission were doomed for years, price and wages are not flexible. 

    the whole course is about how different policy's affect the economy lol

    im in my junior year studying international business in college but doing my own research ive learned more about economics and foreign trade policies than i ever did in a school course

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  2. 4 minutes ago, PoptartRex said:

    The GDP actually went up with Obama in office, after the 2008 recession under Bush, and unemployment made a return back down to under what it was before the recession as well in 2015. 



    Trump was doing a great job at actually maintaining these trends, already set by the Obama administration, until of course COVID hit.

    A LOT of leftist fully blame Trump on Covid. It would have been impossible for anyone to maintain the same trends with covid, but where Trump failed was being able to at least recover some of his economic work by doing better at handling the virus. 

    Now unemployment is in an area where it cannot be recover for likely at least the next decade. Instead of handling COVID with better protections, we were promised a vaccine by the election that is, you guessed it, not here yet. 

    this is exactly why this election is so important. you have trump, who created one the strongest economies in modern history (lowest unemployment rates, highest gdp, highest wage growth) and biden who is obviously gonna hurt our economy which is already suffering badly due to covid. i just want everyone to be able to make an honest living and thats why i gotta vote trump

  3. 1 minute ago, NokiaStrong said:

    I’m in an ap economics class lol

    AP ECONOMICS! NO WAY! U MUST BE A GENIUS! high school economics classes teach u little to nothing about economic policies and how they affect a country. i had to learn this shit myself i suggest u  do the same because if u look a little closer at the statistics such as GDP, unemployment rates and salary growth under each president’s administration, you’ll realize anyone with laissez faire policies has had a far more healthy economy during their term than those of opposite views. its pretty simple man im surprised a AP HIGH SCHOOL ECONOMICS TEACHER didnt teach u that

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  4. 4 minutes ago, Bubbaloo Burrito said:

    This... @swervy is the reason I choose not to debate with full on trump fanatics man. If you disagree with someone you just insult. It is quite common from hardcore republicans. Have a civil discussion man. 

    ahahha im just frustrated that u guys are so misinformed on politics because people like u are the reason i might not be able to start a profitable business when i graduate. i called u a moron over a video game forum buddy try and have some thicker skin

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  5. @PoptartRex @NokiaStrong sometimes i wish that biden would win just so yall can see how wrong you are. i understand yall never learned basic economics because they dont teach it in school but when you make it harder for businesses to operate and remain profitable by taxing them at a higher rate, they will reduce employee salaries, fire people, raise the price of their product/service in order to remain profitable/ compensate for taxes. when doing this u are reducing the value of goods by raising the price of it. that means more money for less stuff. if u look at obama/biden’s 8 years in office, wages  and the GDP were down and unemployment was up. a pretty obvious indicator for whether an economy is doing well. when trump went in office things got much better. u cant deny his policies havent made this country far more economically prosperous, and its the same when u look at any country”/ economic policies.

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  6. @PoptartRex you got me fucked if u think this 77 year old senile man isnt gonna vote with his party. with him in the white house and atleast one chamber of congress blue they will run this country straight into the ground. they continue to try and enforce lockdowns on businesses and mask mandates for a virus with a 99.99% chance of survival. we will 100% go through one of the worst recessions in history in the next decade if he wins.

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  7. 5 minutes ago, PoptartRex said:

    And that right there buddy just showed me you are reading straight out of the GOP Bible.


    The classic “Venezuela” case LMAO. Of course Venezuela is a shithole with socialism. A country ridden with corruption and foreign interference from the US itself is bound to be in the shitter.


    How about you take a look at the Nordic countries? You know, where it’s a LOT more civilized than Venezuela, having less corruption and foreign interference down to a minimum since there are an ally to the US. 

    Let’s go one step further now and go ahead and compare how right Biden’s policies are compared to democratic socialists as well. He’s no Bernie or AOC, so comparing to a socialist country is a mute point all together. 

    you can’t deny that biden would be the closest thing to a socialist president we’ve ever had in united states. ik ur a communist but ur gonna have to go somewhere else to wait in the bread line buddy

    show me any country in the world where socialism is being practiced and i will show u a country with an awful standard of living


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  8. small business tax is up 10% under biden. capital gains tax and dividend tax is up over 20% under biden. corporate tax is up 7% under biden. income and payroll up 15% under biden. these will directly affect  the cost of goods and how much employees of any company are paid. the government has never been good at distributing our money. when biden was vice president they gave iran billions of taxpayer dollars in a bullshit nuclear deal that wasnt upheld by iran. now iran is waging war on its neighbors through proxy militias with that money. soleimani, the guy that trump had killed with a drone a while ago was funding and controlling those militias. now biden wants to reenter the iran agreement as well, the paris climate accords and return the trade deal with china to where it was where we were losing hundreds of billions to china by not putting a tariff on them.

    @NokiaStrong you’re not only wrong but you’re stupid. maybe u can sit on santas lap this year and ask to be sent to venezuela where they are already trying socialism out and its not going too well.

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  9. 6 minutes ago, JuanDeaged said:

    You’ve prolly done more research since u can actually vote but from what I understand if your not rich asf you won’t pay more in taxes

    income tax affects everyone with a job or income and it’s increased by 15% under bidens plan. that’s a 52% tax on income and payroll. also everyone who owns a business that has employees is going to be paying WAY more than they were before. ever heard of trickle down economics? they will pay their employees less and hire fewer people. having taxes that high has never worked well in any country. take a look at statistics for wage growth and unemployment rate from now to 4 years ago, trump has been steadily increasing each and if biden wins it goes back to how it was.

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