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Sean Spicer

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About Sean Spicer

  • Birthday 07/22/2002

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  • Arma 3 Player ID
  • Olympus Gang
  • Gender
  • Location
    Texas Yee Haw

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Immigrant (1/7)



  1. The real question is, have you gone around the entire map to do salvage in a sub
  2. @Ignis So when are you applying to Royal
  3. I was legit about to post that to the forums u rep hog
  4. How about APD deputies when they see a mil bounty in Kavala, that's a classic
  5. K I D N E Y S
  6. Well for a reference next time, making an entire post about it isn't going to speed it up lol
  7. Now even more people will think you are Gary
  8. Imagine being a member of the biggest gang on Olympus that constantly gets buffed, is a vigi gang, and you happen to drive a police SUV
  9. You act like you lose something playing as cop, your gear is free retard
  10. @Fake Grandma Is it just me, or did you recently get promoted to admin
  11. Yea that's the negative since RDM is already a huge side chat debate.
  12. NLR doesn't apply to arma glitches, so I would agree with fluffy and say NLR shouldn't apply to an RDM in most cases.
  13. The fact that the first minute of the video was you getting robbed was a perfect portrayal of daily life in Olympus.
  14. IGM: Pablo Escobar How Did you find Olympus?: I accidentally joined the server and then played on it saying "This is some good shit." Funniest Moment: Grandma Gary at rebel with Tree stealing peoples nades and throwing them at us, blowing up his own Ghost Hawk, and nading Orgondo who was locked in a crate.
  15. After expanding it out a little, you guys should really try out the bots. There are many options such as music bots, stat bots (possibly make one for Olympus), or if the devs want to make their own as well. However, with great power, comes great responsibility, so choose wisely, as long as the permissions are set. https://www.carbonitex.net/Discord/bots These have some basic discord bots that I use and that I encourage you to take a look at.
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