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About Monkey_Wrench

  • Birthday 05/04/1997

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2010 profile views

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Immigrant (1/7)



  1. 2 mil
  2. Tree doesn't play server 1, figure it out
  3. Honestly hope King Lee fucks you over today
  4. I think it sounds like a great idea, have the player ID above instead for reporting reasons. It would require a lot of RP for finding out names and what not. With the new license check feature it wouldn't be bad
  5. talk to hallowed fiend he's very good with Photoshop
  6. 1. IGN: Monkey Wrench 2. How did you find Olympus?: When I started playing PC I only played Rust, I grind ed for like 7 months. While waiting for a wipe cycle my buddy showed me Arma, we got on Olympus started killing people and making money and I just never really went back to Rust. 3. What is your favorite Olympus memory:
  7. Late to the part I see, @Biggs. My offers are serious. If the current bids are higher or sold let me know. 3mil on Mar 10 2 1.5 for silencer.
  8. I may sell a 22 4 crate for the right price, but to my knowledge no one is selling
  9. Is anyone selling a DMS by chance
  10. A rebel in the center or middle region would be cool
  11. I have 130m sell me your mar 10s and Sgt uniforms
  12. Damn we have the exact same pc lol, I've got the 970 though. Only 1 500g ssd and 500g hard drive
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