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[OW] Nutela

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Everything posted by [OW] Nutela

  1. gang life = trash, idk how a server wipe would help that.
  2. censorship in 2017 lul
  3. LOL this is a joke right?
  4. I dont think a single gang wars has ever been successful, peter long calls it his baby but in reality its a down syndrome child with 2 months to live. There is always debate, locations are usually trash, takes forever to set up and takes forever to stream, people always bitch whine and complain on the fucking forums. Gang wars is a shit show and to anyone coming to this server it makes it look like shit too. If you have time to watch a 6 hour arma stream where half the stream is a screen saying "we will be back" you should find something to do in your spare time. People take this shit way to serious
  5. can confirm wasnt me
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