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Everything posted by Gidgit

  1. i agree for sure. i spent about $230 all together for everything. with how i have been smoking. This will pay for itself in about 2 weeks time
  2. Thank you josh. The local place around here that sells everything gave me pretty decent prices on everything considering the device they sold me originally gave me a hard time. I cant to see whats in store for the future They kept telling me that it was leaking because i would lay it on its side. So i left it in the up right position and it still leaked. for the coils constantly burning up they told me i had the watts up to high. than i explained to them the unit i was using had 2 settings and there was no way for me to adjust the wattage any higher than it was designed to do. Than they tested it at the shop and right in front of them it burnt up a coil. so they decided to refund it. Also my buddy was there and convinced them the device was complete junk. granted i did spend way more money with this route. but as of right now i couldnt be happier with what i left with
  3. Just a update. I brought the stupid thing back to the vape place. and they finally decided to refund it. i ended up getting the Snow Wolf 200w with the Smok TFV4 tank with the quad coil. so far i love it. And for anyone that wants to knock me for vaping. Listen to this. just this time last week i was a heavy smoker. i smoked a pack for 10 years up until the last 6 months were i went to 2 packs a day. This past Wednesday at work i spent almost a hour coughing my lungs out. I have never in my life coughed as hard as i was. I have never felt that kind of pain from inside of my chest. i was spitting up all of this weird colored crap mixed with blood. That did it for me. I switched to vaping and havent touched a cigarette since than. the vaping has been helping me get over that. not only that it also has been breaking up all this nasty shit in my lungs. its 4 days now. but i am already noticing a huge difference in my body. i can only imagine how i will be in a month, 6 months, and even a year. I am really looking forward to it.
  4. just seeing the guy in here makes me want to drop vaping and start smoking again
  5. Ok this is a question. This thread there will be no trolling of any sort. That being said. My question is this. With this e-cig i just bought. Why would i have to change the atomizer every single day. Ive had this thing for just a few days and ive already change the atomizer 4 times. That and i have to take this stupid thing apart every day about 3 to 4 times a day to clean it because it leaks way to much into the mouth piece. The unit i bought was the KangerTech subvod mega tc 2300. Everytime i bring it back to the place i bought it. They keep giving me bullshit excuses as to why its doing it. They wont refund it. So im just curious if those of you who do vape know anything about this pos and what i should do. If i can manage to get these guys to return it. id like to upgrade it to a nice mod. Any ideas and pointers to fix my current one would be nice. Thanks in advance
  6. Oh of course. It is a idea you could tinker with.
  7. @Muthinator i wasnt sure if that was in reference to me. i was just tossing a suggestion out there for a option for a sheriff skin in the future. I love all of the APD skins you have done.
  8. I really like the idea of a Sheriff unit for the apd. we have city police and High way patrol. I think having the option for a sheriff skinned car would be cool. Id say sport hatchs and suv's
  9. I have an old school set up. I7 3770 paired with a 770 gtx. I still pull 60 frames
  10. @Gidgit <3<3<3
  11. Well i was not expecting to see this. It is a huge shame to see you leave such a respected position. I do completely understand why though. The APD channels will sure miss the crazy screaming that always scared the shit out of everyone. At the same time had everyone laughing their asses off. Good thing i bought that beach side house next to yours. Deff worth it now. Gotta use that deck of yours some time
  12. If this did go though and we did implement it. The rules for searching houses would be the same. Only Sgt's and higher could actually search the house. Once the house is Seized. You still keep the ownership of the house. You just loose everything in the house and the crates or upgrades or what have you. The actual house will still remain yours. I think the pole should be redone with a better explanation on this. You would still keep your house. Just loose everything in it.
  13. The idea behind it would be if you had over a certain dollar amount of drugs. Just like a truck with a certain amount of drugs in it would get seized. obviously the amount would not be the same as what would be for the trucks
  14. Gidgit

    The APD

    I don't know about you guys. But if I catch you. It is either going to be good rp. Or I'm going to rush through it and move on to the next. If you want to be a dumb dick and make my job a pain. Than I'm going to speed through the process with no fucks given on what you have to say. If you want to rp with me. I'm down for a nice hour long rp session as long as there isn't a situation going on. Plain and simple guys. If you don't like the speedy processing. That stop trying to find ways out of the ticket. Chances are it's not going to happen. Rp the situation and move on
  15. That's the only thing I never really care to much for was having to take turns Cared
  16. Is it still a turn based style game?
  17. Gidgit


    I'll send it all to you Says the guy that lives in PR lol. I'll trade places with you for the winter if you want
  18. Gidgit


    I HATE SNOW.... My fucking work boots are soaked. Stupid ass car i have to fix died in the parking lot... Guess who the lucky guy was who had to go lay in the snow
  19. So it snowed last night. Aghh I totally hate snow
  20. I'm uh. A little lost for words
  21. I would never in my life wish any type of tooth pain upon someone. The pain I've had for the last few days has been so unbearable. Went to the dentist. Got me some goods. Should be ready to rock and roll tonight. Get ready boys. Mr potato aim is coming back
  22. Gidgit


    Keep your head up linka. Im always here if you need to talk. Ill lighten up on trolling you for a while
  23. I am prob going to use my current Asus GeForce gtx 770 2g direct cu2. I'm debating on running 2 980's in sli. But nothing I play supports sli Goonie I love you man. You always know how to make people laugh over the stupidest things.
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