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Everything posted by Flume

  1. 1. IGN: Flume 2. How did you find Olympus?: Moved over from Asylum looking for a new server. 3. What is your favorite Olympus memory?: Meeting @Jeff Chaplin @platinumfire and others part of the original [IR] and having some of the best fun with great people. Other honorable mentions @Stelar @Augustus @8o55 and many others. Thanks for the memories olympus ! Always have a place in my .
  2. why would i want to listen to your fuck ass
  3. a measly one deag?
  4. 0 gangs -1 women
  5. he's never been in a gang @Corporal_moob
  6. lmao
  7. snaps gave harry the good old invisible potion again
  8. i might have done some illegal activities
  10. i sold my account and my computer but i still love the forums.
  11. i'll dm you on twitter for 10 mil
  12. forever baby (;
  13. no need buddy o it was a joke
  14. ok nerd
  15. if you can read he already sold it
  16. forums
  17. no vacs clean account no bans on any servers on any game message me if serious h1z1 account included
  18. smoking weed
  19. Hi everybody, long story short I got caught doing illegal activities by my parents and they are making me sell my computer :/ The games i have are : Arma 3 with apex and zeus csgo dayz gary's mod h1z1 kotk and just survive insurgency rust asking 30 usd
  20. Ok so now that i'm unbanned from the forums thanks mcdildo i just came here to say i got medic today and i fucking love it so much my fav part is when i revive people
  21. at least get @Jesse in here before we get "toxic"
  22. @McDili why are you deleting my shit
  23. how much i will buy lmao
  24. Flume

    I'm back

    ur daddy
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