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big niko

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Everything posted by big niko

  1. @Brandon Del Rey
  2. I'm back from Florida.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Bow


      Oh yeah, I mean I only drove it in sport mode and still managed to keep it at 25 mpg.

      Spent $50 filling it up. Would have cost about £130/$170 in the UK for that much fuel.

    3. big niko

      big niko

      Exactly, In Canada, Ontario the gas can get a bit too much but in the states and in Florida Mustangs are the go to. 

    4. Bow


      Oh yeah, you wouldn't get one here unless you were pretty rich to afford the fuel

  3. Strip Searching.
  4. I thought that but I was just kidding.
  5. We need Tman back as admin and to get him to stay away from the kush.
  6. I didn't know they have them on the server? Can I get a screenshot that you have it?
  7. It's good so yeah, I guess be more active?
  8. Well for myself we go back when the very first Xbox came out and I used to play like really old games like Unreal Tournament and such, after the Xbox 360 came out I had probably spent hours thinking of names I could use cause you were able to change your name for free when it came out. After about like 10 names I just gave up and went for the Auto Generated names and got the Name Daredevil1102 and have used that name since from when the Xbox 360 to when GTA V came out on the xbox 360. Later on from my gaming History on GTA Franchise from GTA 4 and 5 I joined rockstar featured gangs where I made a name for myself for winning Deathmatch games. After years and years of playing on Xbox From GTA to Battlefield with the same name, I decieded to change my name cause I started to not like it anymore and stop playing on the Xbox and wanted to start playing on PC and came up with the name Nikoteen for the reason that my IRL name is Niko and I am a Teenager and have suck with that for almost my whole life since now.
  9. Bye Cheese see you in 2 weeks.
  10. Rusty oml lol.
  11. Are you gonna buy my Type 115?
  12. How was I being a dick? It's true, even Jesse said buying the DLC is not the solution for everyone. There is no need a a DLC tag beside the gun but the variants can help you prevent from buying the DLC gun. Thats why I said not a Olympus problem. @Jesse can we get back the ability to edit posts again please?
  13. Sounds like a perosnal problem, not a Olympus problem.
  14. Where are the 2, 2 Craters?
  15. True. I love it when my ears blow out aswell.
  16. Hit me up later today and I can.
  17. I bet it is lmao.
  18. Bump. Still have the Type 115 Green Hex with 3 .50 Cal mags, MX lethal with all the mags & taser CMR with mags as well offer as you wish.
  19. Its fine you have a deal.
  20. Make it 600k and you got a deal.
  21. Alright ladies and gentlemen I am selling the stuff listed below, Offer on here or a PM is fine with me.
  22. Buying a Helmet for 750k?
  23. 750k for a helmet? You guys must dupe to spend that kind of money.
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