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Retired Chief
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Everything posted by TheRealKyle

  1. Not really stating an opinion when your just trying to say/prove someone is wrong.
  2. LOL might wanna check on that one buddddd. You werent a cop back in the day so obv you wouldnt know.
  3. This isnt a new change....This is how it was before the Guideline and it worked fine for months.
  4. Yep because its more realistic to not have blood or finger prints or anything to ID yourself. Cmon dude, its a video game.
  5. Best Shot: babooshka Best Driver: clemenza Best Heli Pilot: goat 100% Best Officer: ham Best R&R: PETAAAAAAAAAAAAA Best Kavala Troll: eatmeth Best RP'r:[Taxi] Marty Most Tactical:Adi Funniest/Most enjoyable to play with: Corporal_Moob, Dejay, GhostFace, Gummycow, Rusty, Babooshka, Huskers, Jopple, Linka, Quintin, GOAT, Rambler, orcpoc, happy, Toe Knee, Brody, Mcdili, the list goes on honestly Most Reliable: Kanger for always havin that titan Most Dedicated Player: Moob. Best CQC player: Alwayz. Best Clutch plays: sp99ky m9m9r aka Gummycow MVP: Honestly cant choose one.
  6. https://gyazo.com/6e36c1b4f2f5dc15509ff0635a739328

    poseidon please it was a sexual prank in the hood [gone sexual] 2015

    1. GhostFace


      I'll be a lady in the streets
      In a dress with her hair tied up
      Or I can be a freak in the sheets
      In the room with her hands tied up It's whatever you want, whatever you like
      It's not a problem at all, whatever you like

      Gone sexual [2015]

    2. Talindor


      Thug on the streets but a baby in da SHEETS!

    3. Fat Clemenza

      Fat Clemenza

      So won't you Eaz on down to the Yellow Brick Road to Compton

  7. When all the Nerdz bois pass there evals https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8g2KKGgK-0w




  8. TheRealFuzy?
  9. Real Nigga News. Over and Out. Doing the best we can for olympus since about a week ago

  10. love playin minecraft with my boy @ToeKnee #diamonds #gottafindemall

  11. TheRealKyle


    ur a good dude. stay strong. luv u booboo
  12. APD do not belong in cartels.
  13. yo im a boomie hallo
  14. 1v1 me
  15. can tell if troll or got trolled
  16. maybe have a seatbelt feature that reduces damage severly?
  17. this server never fails to entertain


  18. TheRealKyle

    Hi :)

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