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Everything posted by LongInactiveAccount

  1. On the first day of Gang warsBigpat sent to me:Zero gang wars kills On the second day of gang wars Bigpat sent to me: Zero gang wars kills 1 ban for shit talking his lack of kills On the third day of gang wars Bigpat hopes to obtain: Atleast 1 kill
  2. @Augustus this goes to you son
  3. You're gay mate
  4. I think this is the first piece of intelligence I've ever witnessed on this God forsaken forums
  5. Maybe @bigPat will get a kill this gang wars
  6. Matt you fucking fanboy...
  7. At least the box truck is fine
  8. Zamak transports or riot
  9. You fucking stole all of sNs gang funds
  10. @codeyeti we can participate.
  11. In fact you cheeky wanker, we did a successful black water a couple days back.
  12. You will have to wait a couple months before pilot coveralls are classified as valuable. Right now many people including myself just have them stockpiled, so demand is extremely low and the supply is high. SUPPLY AND DEMAND BITCH
  13. Bois a pure ledg, 10/10 would play again

    1. De Fuk

      De Fuk



      who is this randy?

    2. LongInactiveAccount


      The man, The myth, The absolute pure ledg

  14. Sssssssssssssssshhhh,........
  15. 1.Sauron 2.Black Speech 3. Peregrin Took 4. Orodruin 5.Ent 6.Four 7. Shadowfax 8.Three 9.Morgul-blade 10.Phial of Galadriel
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