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Everything posted by LongInactiveAccount

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Randyy


      28 minutes ago, rp slayer said:

      wow you just learned to inspect element nice job

    3. silton


      21 minutes ago, Randyy said:

      wow you just learned to inspect element nice job

      ^^^ kek

    4. sleazy turd racoon

      sleazy turd racoon

      2 hours ago, bigPat said:

      this is why we should have nuked the fuck out of Europe. 

      Please dont kill me #europe

  1. First @Nikoteenas civ rep.

    Now @Tman15tmb gets removed from admin.

    What the fuck has Olympus become.

    1. big niko

      big niko

      Why did @Tman15tmb get removed

    2. LongInactiveAccount
    3. Tman15tmb


      I'm also not sure why I got removed? Was it something I said?? It doesn't help the fact that there was no communication.

  2. Happy birthday hotty

  3. Free my boy Joe


    1. bigSMOKE
    2. LongInactiveAccount


      Joe got a perm for duping like a fud

    3. Temple


      He dindu nuffin free my boy joe

  4. Anyone buying take the gear first - he once alt f4ed with my mk1 tazer
  5. Just because not every gang has their own police force doesn't mean you can bully my little sweet tender @coopacarp
  6. I struggle to form a sentence BUT basically chino needs to not be a greedy prick is the message of that paragraph
  7. Be aware he is a very unreputable seller
  8. Don't give a single fuck. Thats like saying oh X company was worth 100million 3 years ago it must be worth 100million now .PRICES ARE NOT A CONSTANT!!!!!!!!!!! if someone wanted the house for 6mil they would try to outbid my 4.55mil - hence there's clearly a low demand WHICH lowers the price. Furthermore the fact two people myself and @bigPat are the only people bidding further backs this up. Yes this post has only been out for less than a day and by the morning your statement may be true.
  9. YOU ARE ALREADY BIDDING ON A GARAGE. Wtf you needing two garages for lad Since big boy chino is being a greedy fuck @bigPat I withdraw all offers and it's yours for 3.5mil
  10. Well I'm barely gonna take fucking bob from down the street to pick up my mar 10
  11. Anyone interesting in buying I highly suggest finding another seller. Myself and @xGenesis attempted in buying a lethal mar 10 from @Hurricane for 3mil. After arriving and I transferred the 3mil he alt f4ed and left ts.
  12. Not gonna lie could do with the other 4 crater aswell
  13. You can shove your fucking compact NVGs up your arse
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