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Everything posted by Bloodmoon

  1. Yea, name me one thing that apd has now that they didn't have in 2017, if anything they've lost stuff.
  2. Don't get me wrong this server is shit now, but you just said it with the most retarded reasons I've ever seen.
  3. Server has unbanned people for literally every offense and is desperate for players, why not?
  4. ░░░█─────────────█──▀── ░░░░▓█───────▄▄▀▀█────── ░░░░▒░█────▄█▒░░▄░█───── ░░░░░░░▀▄─▄▀▒▀▀▀▄▄▀──DO─ ░░░░░░░░░█▒░░░░▄▀───YOU─ ▒▒▒░░░░▄▀▒░░░░▄▀───LIKE─ ▓▓▓▓▒░█▒░░░░░█▄───WHAT─ █████▀▒░░░░░█░▀▄───YOU── █████▒▒░░░▒█░░░▀▄─SEE?── ███▓▓▒▒▒▀▀▀█▄░░░░█────── ▓██▓▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒█░░░░█───── ▓▓█▓▒▒▒▒▒▒▓▒▒█░░░░░█──── ░▒▒▀▀▄▄▄▄█▄▄▀░░░░░░░█─

  5. Ok, since you want to bring what you did onto the forums and then lie about it, you asked over group chat at a pharma to a corp who was playing with us "Is that enough sucking dick at the pharma?", and then talked shit about sapd with a channel full of deputies. Basically this without any text because I can't be bothered.
  6. Are you trying to say that we should keep an armed military vehicle which is used against the civilian population, and also has no way to be dealt with by the apd, should be legal to own?
  7. Armed plane has a usable weapon so it meets the definition of an armed vehicle. The apd should not allow people to use military armed vehicles on the civilian population.
  8. Perhaps they shouldn't buy a military aircraft that is armed if they don't want to lose it. Thankfully last update they made an unarmed Caesar racing plane which is legal to own which is a good alternative.
  9. No, the ARMED plane has a usable weapon so it meets the definition of an armed vehicle. Again, they have a visible weapon so they have always met the definition of being an armed vehicle.
  10. There is no decision here, this is just a clarification. Jets that have visible weapons showing have always met the definition of an armed vehicle.
  11. Medic Ghosthawk is not illegal for the same reason the medic strider and hunter is not illegal. Civs not being able to defend themselves against a military vehicle is just another reason they should be illegal?
  12. It's not about stopping me from winning. The jet is a military armed vehicle that can scout the map at supersonic speeds with like a 5x camera, why would the apd allow this kind of technology to be used against civilians?
  13. Again, only possible when it's stationary which is the only time apd can do anything about a jet. Nowhere in the handbook does it state that an armed vehicle must have its weapons usable A vehicle that practically has no counter against cops is not healthy for the server.
  14. The jet can scout the map at supersonic speeds, the jet is armed (has weapons visible so it already met the definition of an illegal vehicle), and is not possible to deal with a jet as a cop unless it is stationary.
  15. 7v14 BW how do yall lose 30 man bw's again?



    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. Mason Harrison

      Mason Harrison

      I saw you sitting west lmao also fuck you for rook  banking me at rebel xd 😋

    3. Kamikaze


      4 hours ago, rabid said:

      Also mako or kami the only sapd to play with us we had pledge and every SAPD member stack us 

      Wasn't even sapd at the time kids just need something to bitch about. Back in db fed szn POs had authorized lethals, every wall could be knocked down, bomb time was 25 minutes, dome tower didn't exist and the gear you got was SHIT.

    4. Mason Harrison

      Mason Harrison

      Oh wow sorry I misunderstood something from months ago my memory is dogshit also im not bitching ?

  16. Difference is on anzus is that there are gangs that have good players, only gangs on oly that have good players exclusively sit inside warzone and never leave because they are self sufficient there. So then you have these groups that try and do 20+ man federal events and still lose, so then they think the apd is OP because they won't consolidate into 1 gang and kick the shitters.
  17. Haha imagine the freakout you and civ council would have if we tried doing something for PO+
  18. Couldn't imagine complaining about the apd and STILL winning. Back in the day you'd be laughed off the server, idk how gang life has gotten so bad.
  19. Hey, at least suwoop lowered the bar so much you can pretty much be afk and do better than him, also go make your own memes squidward soundin ass
  20. Literally the only time I have seen people not seize a weapon is if they agree to pay their ticket, which at that point you're just taking payment in exchange for them letting have an illegal item, basically corruption.
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