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ChubbyElf last won the day on July 11 2018

ChubbyElf had the most liked content!

About ChubbyElf

  • Birthday 08/04/2000

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Immigrant (1/7)



  1. Add me on steam https://steamcommunity.com/id/chubbyelf/
  2. Money gone
  3. I'm quitting ARMA and gaming in general. Funniest joke in the comments gets my money (might split between multiple people)
  4. ChubbyElf


    Thanks for being nice to me Drama
  5. Do you put any product in your hair to get it like that?
  6. OK Google where's the nearest barber
  7. Had this type of haircut for a few years, but it's getting too messy on the sides / back. Hit me with any recommendations / roasts
  8. 2. Source: my name
  9. Damn I didn't know you were Chris' personal secretary
  10. somebody is cranky...


  11. boonk
  12. ya just keep changing your name so people don't catch on that you're shit at the game
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