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Gunhand last won the day on June 14 2020

Gunhand had the most liked content!


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Criminal (2/7)



  1. Na. I am good with things as they are. If this "distances" my audience they were never really supporting me anyways.
  2. Sorry no one asked me about it before hand or I probably would have been all for it. I mean I tried marketing 7.62 Top of Rocks shirts and not 1 was sold....sad face
  3. Nope you cant make money off of my stuff without giving me a cut.
  4. But then you will stream snipe
  5. With some Fava beans and Chianti?
  6. Oh I will get you eventually. I am patient.
  7. Unsure if folks are aware or not but I am back to consistently stream Olympus memeage, and pissing off people on a daily basis, so come and join in the moronic derptivity. 7.62 top of rocks!!!! https://www.twitch.tv/gunh4nd
  8. Depends on the amount of cash you are willing to fork over. I use Steel Series Arctis Nova Pro. Best i have ever owned, but pricey. Leaving a link for you. SteelSeries Arctis Nova Pro Wireless Xbox Multi-System Gaming Headset - Premium Hi-Fi Drivers - Active Noise Cancellation Infinity Power System - Stealth Mic - Xbox, PC, PS5, PS4, Switch, Mobile https://a.co/d/b03UasW
  9. I was in Camp Able Sentry in Macedonia. We were immediately locked down. There was a 2 hour wait lines to the phone. I finally got a call through to my mom. It was chaos because all of the police, fire, and national guard/ reserve units were put on alert in my state.
  10. It's honestly pretty terrible that this is the common reaction for the new players. It isn't hard to take a moment and give a new player a hand It might make all the difference.
  11. If you are a Veteran, Active duty, Reservist, or National guard I would like to start having a monthly meet up to just to shoot the breeze, tell some tall tales, and spend time with your brothers and sisters. Message me if you would like to work on setting up a meeting.
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  12. Well I mean if your breaking rules probably shouldn't be upset if you catch a ban
  13. Well @ torre I was just making a joke based off the fact I used to constantly recieve messages about being fat, so I just figured I could laugh at myself a bit. P.P.S I'm still much less fat than I was.
  14. He does. Are you jealous that I'm not helping you? P.S. I am much less fat now
  15. Watch out vicarious living coming in hot.
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