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Everything posted by Vcx

  1. ez clap
  2. You mean E-Girl got vigid and 5 Rip rdmed and combat logged?
  3. Vcx


    Go back to getting clapped with you buddy 5 rip
  4. so you can finally start playing something else other than BDO and Rust
  5. Every time he posts i lose 5 brain cells and i already started with near none....
  6. just look at my profile
  7. Congrats @Arigato tell Jesse hes a retard for me

  8. ^
  9. makes no sense
  10. he had a titan on him and mk1
  11. No one cares that you had it on single
  12. Thats the only thing you can bring up TI reject? Alot of other people have gotten denied sorry you would get denied too? calling me literal garbo yet you should look at your own aim before you can call anyone else ever garbo lol
  13. I have a life hence why im not on olympus 24/7 like you oof, im not hoping on your cock No one likes shitters from Versus
  14. Because hes versus he tazes and robes kids
  15. Shit i just noticed....
  16. I tried that like a year ago you get people that talk shit to you no matter what its Olympus Welcome
  17. @R^vin :) You Piece of shit you better come back happy birthday btw

    1. Ravin


      I will be back soon I promise <3

  18. i miss u buddy ;(
  19. And People hated me when I said malden was going to end up like tonoa.....
  20. 1 dollar
  21. Fuck except the last few of us RIP
  22. where are the bois at for this one?
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