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Everything posted by Lantik

  1. U will be missed my friend..
  2. Anyone know what the best wireless gaming headset is? Preferably which corsair wireless headset?
  3. most people do and I dont think they will go anywhere, but it was fun making it and thats what matters
  4. honestly a little confused on the changes a bit. How it actually changes NLR
  5. Thats awesome man! XD I think the community likes it so as long as no there isnt a civ hunter with a black and white texture?
  6. APD retexture?251d9661cd47535e6a924bddc08bba1d.jpg

  7. Good enough to go live on the server with some fine tuning?
  8. I mean it goes with the color scheme of the APD, also I dont think we have a white camo design civ hunter but thanks for the feedback man!
  9. I agree thanks for the feed back
  10. what do u mean by lettering? they have the same lettering
  11. How you guys enjoy the concept! Had fun making it so wanted to get some feedback! Personally kind of like the accent one but the non accent one looks more realistic https://gyazo.com/c07808e1841cecd847a378e8c135aa9a https://gyazo.com/c7cc088985e635c2271abcf77115b502 https://gyazo.com/cdc3150e0b0070ae3581c5007970b73b https://gyazo.com/4bec5119ef3b68f8f1c34ea15456e799 https://gyazo.com/c45a10fd05e5778ca3a1b650a24b9ddf
  12. I would kill for a sandwich right now
  13. Lantik

    IM BACK!

    is there a reason why u want to be so toxic?
  14. it seems to be the time when people start to get mad at you for letting them bleed out but they don't realize you are the only medic on and there are 20+ revive calls all over the map! What am i suppose to do? XD

    1. Lex yo

      Lex yo

      Just ignore it and do what you can.

    2. Lantik


      thats what im doing and hop its good enough

    3. Claysive


      You’re supposed to convince them to add defibs and solve all of their problems. :kappa:

      but for real just ignore them. Can’t get everyone. Every civ assumes they are the only dead person and that you should only focus on them. 

  15. im loving this update! we well see how it goes but from reading it, it sounds good so far
  16. did the cop get in trouble for this?
  17. look up bojo posted how to do it. it is in your profile editor
  18. got my tonsils removed today so i may be mute for the next week ill see what i can do

  19. figured out how to post status updates!

  20. im sorry I just cant post a status update and just thought people should know so i did it the only way i know how to
  21. Yes, I can not talk rn sadly. Or I can just barely but it hurts quite a bit. I am role playing still here and there but with little amounts of words. My tonsils were removed today so expect few words for about a week to 2 weeks. I hope everyone understands and doesnt get upset if I dont reply immediately if you ask me something I am probably drinking something so I can get some words out.
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