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Conor McGregor

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Everything posted by Conor McGregor

  1. im high af rn too much.
  2. DATE implemented ... april 1st. rip.
  3. Simple rules: like and comment on post most recent like on the comment on April 2nd at 11:59 EST wins. this one will be 5mill, if it works out well I will do 10 or more the next time. Good luck!
  4. stop posting on everything ever you little pre pubescent raccoon.
  5. by prev chief for I couldn't even tell you. if he politely wants to reiterate I've asked many times so idk. but if they don't want me whatever. was just seeing. i always role played so idk why i was removed id rather talk then shoot
  6. We are all going to be having a good oppurtunity to play a shit ton more then normal, so lets start on a positive foot and give everyone a fresh start.
  7. that’s gonna have to be some ban appeal he writes.
  8. yea yea big fat coronavirus pandemic
  9. Playing against this idiot lol.

    1. Strikke


      Sanguine is a fun attribute in Mythic+ ? 

  10. Kids going to kavala with a gun looking for bambis to get there rocks off to the power of trip of having someone comply with them sporadically yelling "hAN DS UP OR DIE" through there $11.99 microphone are the ones you should look out for with all this hit nonsense now taking fruition.
  11. i liek fuck that non petrol shit just kidding nice.
  12. i got removed a few too many times
  13. I am blacklisted and its sad please unblacklist me the apd is number 1
  14. The mistakes I made in the past are just that -- mistakes. I have changed.

  15. no i legitimately think your post was hilarious it wasn't sarcasm. don't be so self conscious of your "vice" its just enjoying the game and the social aspect of it who cares lmao.
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