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Everything posted by JBruesch

  1. JBruesch


    Post or no balls?
  2. $1? jk, any idea about how much you looking to sell it for though?
  3. Riiiiiiggghhhhttttt, care to be a little more specific?
  4. This is why Malaria is a thing...
  5. XD great song choice
  6. http://olympus-entertainment.com/support/ Click on "New Request" ---> Change it to "R&R Application" -----> Fill out the application Once that is done, you will get a reply within a day or two, if you are accepted, you will need to join the TS and wait in the "R&R Whitelist Applicants" Room for an interview. Be sure to study this ^^^ And you should know this fairly well too ^^^
  7. That awkward moment when I gave him one of those houses... gg
  8. Looking to buy a different house to do more runs and I am at 5 houses right now
  9. You cant draw in global... so it was either you or someone in your group
  10. I am selling my house right behind the office building (Hades old house) if anyone is interested. It is a 4 crater on server 1. Any offers?
  11. Learn in editor, practice fine tuning in KOTH and/or Invade and Annex, then bring it to Olympus. That is how I learned (mostly normal flight settings, but sometimes practice advanced a little in the editor) By the way, I have never found any perks of advanced besides a faster descent (which a good pilot can descend fairly quickly without advanced flight controls). Are there any other perks that I am missing?
  12. k?
  13. I know the feeling *cough**cough*@Fedot*cough**cough*
  14. Thank you for clearing this up. I can see where the APD is coming from now with this. I would still prefer it be made private, but that is just my personal opinion and I understand why it being done. Sorry to get off topic, but 10 outta 10 signiture. (This is just like kavala rook pwebs shooting their buddy when they get caught) XD
  15. The thing is, not everyone will find out, and how does it look to players entering the community seeing that list on the forums?
  16. Please note, this is not meant to start a flame war, this is an honest opinion that I believe needs to be changed. I think it is time we talk a little about this Anyways, I would really like to know why this is public knowledge. I can see only the Sr. APD/Mods/Admins having access to this, but there is no reason to have this as public knowledge. As some of you may know, I am a manager at a Ski Hill (which is why I am not here in the winter). When someone messes up, I talk to them in private, and keep the conversation only between us and any upper management if needed. The other managers and I NEVER post what someone did somewhere for everyone to see, especially for the customers. One of the managers there only really only does the job for fun (because come one man, who wouldn't love working at a ski hill) and manages for a firm that basically pimps out construction workers, electricians, etc as his full time job. Him and his managers also keep mishaps private, as there is no need for the public to know about. I could very well be mistaken, but I believe the R&R has a similar system, but keep the document private. Now I know the APD and R&R are two different things, but they still both deal with people mistakenly breaking the rules, and intentionally. In my opinion, the Senior R&R keeping this document private is a good decision. Again, this is not meant to be a flame post or anything of that nature, but I do strongly disagree with this being a public document and believe the Senior APD should make this private for the eyes of the Senior APD and Staff only.
  17. The thing is, players come and go. The majority of RDMers and other rule breakers just got Arma/Just started playing Altis Life. Since they just started, they probably don't know the rules, so they assume it is just like Cock Of Booty Advanced Whorefare and shoot the shit out of everyone. These players often are not around for very long, but then new players come to replace them. It is a never ending loop with almost nothing that can be done. The staff are also VOLUNTEERS. They have lives and can not always watch over the server. If you want anythign to be done, just like what Goat said, Get out of Kavala, and start Recording
  18. ' The only way to stay safe in Kavala... @Corporal_moob and @McDili, I know it was a while ago, but dont worry, I restocked ;D
  19. Nah, still you. Why else would you have bitched on the forums?
  20. I am selling a 2 crater house at DP3 Great for meth, especially if you or a friend have a garage. It is somewhat farther away from most houses in that area, so it is a little safer. There is a nice area to land any larger helis, vehicles, etc. If you have any questions, offers, etc, let me know.
  21. I am selling a 2 crater house at DP3 It is somewhat farther away from most houses in that area, so it is a little safer. There is a nice area to land any larger helis, vehicles, etc. If you have any questions, offers, etc, let me know.
  22. All these old people comin back got me like
  23. JBruesch


    do it or no balls
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