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  1. I hope the person that ordered the KFC gets a refund
  2. Free Flames PM Me.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Rusty


      sure 10 mill or 10 dollars irl for shooting lessons

    3. Grenade65


      The only lessons rusty can give about shooting is how to shoot up his own school @Rusty

    4. Rusty


      i shoot up schools for a living 

  3. hes not fucking bitches regardless lel xd
  4. XD me too i really like roleplaying this server is great!!!
  5. Maybe you should actually try RPing for once who cares if u cant shoot near the hospital. Arma 3 is a milsim its not about shooting people or combat its about RP!!!! When will you dumb rebel lifers realize this?????? XD Who cares anyway all i know is im really enjoying the massive frame drops becaues the RP is 100 times worth it!
  6. billy4


    I'd just like to point out that this is the equal of complaining of dying as a fresh spawn . I mean were you really gonna run back to Pyrgros garage anyway XD!
  7. Speaker Knockerz dead bud get over it. Chief Keef retired. Guess you only like irrelevant rappers?
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